Why won't wages increase? - salary, employment and labour law
September 28, 2018, 15h00
Auditório Afonso Barros, ISCTE-IUL (Lisbon)
This seminar marks the beginning of the project "REVAL - From the internal devaluation to the revaluation of work: the case of Portugal", which brings together researchers from DYNAMIA-CET and the CES in order to analyse the changes in the employment regime that occurred in Portugal in the last two decades, particularly those resulting from the global financial crisis and the troika intervention in Portugal.
The most obvious consequence of the transformations of the employment regime to which the project refers is the global asymmetry between output and employment growth rates on the one hand and wages on the other. Economic growth with wage stagnation results in an increase in the inequalities of income distribution, with emphasis on the division between labour and capital, which compromises the sustainability of the recovery.
This pattern of asymmetric growth also manifests itself in Portugal through the intervention of factors stemming from international dynamics, as well as of specific national determinants that need to be identified, such as the changes in labour legislation, fiscal policy and the specialisation pattern of the Portuguese economy.
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