
Popular traditional street markets: quality and food (un)safety through the ethnomethodological approach

Cynthia Maciel Duarte

Euridice Alencastro

February 27, 2018, 14h30

Room 2, CES | Alta


This Workshop intends to discuss the possibilities of an ethnomethodological approach to traditional and popular fairs with food trade, covering some of its specificities, such as the appearance of stalls and stands, sellers and buyer’s approaches, as well as relationships between traders.

The Programme includes: 1. A brief introduction on economic plurality, on the ethnomethodological perspective regarding the study of street markets and on the importance of food safety; 2. Dynamics on understanding what a street market is; 3. Comparison with the data collected at previously studied street markets, discussing issues related to management modes aimed at minimizing consumer food risks, the existence of several forms of economy and the differentiation of market participants; 4. Discussion on the role of street markets and the recognition of the existence of a plurality of economic logics.

Bio Notes
Cynthia Maciel Duarte is CAPES-Brazil fellow conducting a doctoral internship research period at CES, under supervision of Luciane Lucas dos Santos; PhD candidate in Social Communication at PUC-Rio, developing research at the São Cristóvão Fair; MA in Social Communication from UERJ; Specialist in Media, Technology and Education by PUC-Rio and BA in Public Relations and Journalism from UERJ. She has over 10 years of experience in corporate communication.

Eurídice Ribeiro de Alencastro is a PhD candidate in Territory, Risk and Public Policies at the University of Coimbra; MA in Food Technology and BA in Food Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará and a professor at the State University of Western Paraná. She acts in the areas of food safety control and training for food handlers, as well as oversight, consulting and advisory on planning and projects in the catering areas