Book presentation

«Trabalho e Políticas de Emprego. Um Retrocesso Evitável»

October 31, 2017, 18h00

Almedina Estádio Cidade de Coimbra


Sessão de apresentação e debate sobre o novo livro do Observatório sobre Crises e Alternativas «Trabalho e Emprego: Um Retrocesso Evitável», coordenado por Manuel Carvalho da Silva, Pedro Hespanha e José Castro Caldas.

Presentation and debate of the Observatory on Crises and Alternatives book «Trabalho e Emprego: Um Retrocesso Evitável» [Work and Employment: An Avoidable Backlash], coordinated by Manuel Carvalho da Silva, Pedro Hespanha and José Castro Caldas.

The book will be presented by João Leal Amado and José Reis, professors of the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra.

Book Synopsis

This book has as its object labour and employment, the impact of the crisis in terms of unemployment and precariousness, the public policies adopted under the Troika memorandum, their meaning and consequences. It shows that the financial rescue to which Portugal was subjected made labour an "adjustment variable" of an "imbalance" that in its origin was primarily financial. It argues that real rebalancing involves the revaluation of labour in all its dimensions - retribution, security, autonomy, participation in the definition of the destiny of companies and other organizations.

