Equality plans and good practices for gender equality in universities in Spain
Mercedes Alcañiz Moscardó (Universitat Jaume I)
March 3, 2016, 16h30
CES-Lisbon (Picoas Plaza | Rua do Viriato, 13, Lj. 117-118)
This conference will focus on the academic activity of the guest speaker, with a strong practical component, resulting from her position as DIRECTORA DE LA UNITAT D'IGUALTAT at the Universitat Jaume I. In this capacity she will convey her considerations on what has been the experience of the implementation of plans for gender equality in universities in Spain, with her university as case study. It is of crucial interest to the Portuguese Association of Studies on Women (EMPA) to understand how universities become more equitable and inclusive institutions.
Bio note
Mercedes Alcañiz Moscardó holds a PhD in Political Science and Sociology and is Professor of Sociology at the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Universitat Jaume I in Castellón. Her main areas of research focus on social change and gender studies. She has conducted several studies and articles published in Spanish and foreign journals on various aspects related to the social reality of women, such as reconciling work and family life, technology, peace and development, generational change and inequality. Among her published works are Cambios y Continuidade en las Mujeres - Un análisis sociológico (Icaria Editorial, 2011); and among many other articles: Género con clase: la conciliación desigual de la vida laboral y familiar (RES.Revista Española of Sociology, 23, 2015). Moscardó has also conducted lectures and courses in several countries: Portugal, Mexico, Chile, Cuba and Costa Rica, among others.
Coorganisers: Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres (APEM) and CES.