Conferência de encerramento dos Programas de Doutoramento CES/FDUC/FEUC/FLUC/IIIUC
Fundamentalisms and Dialogues between Religions: challenges to social sciences
Juan José Tamayo (Diretor da Cátedra de Teologia e Ciência das Religiões Ignacio Ellacuría da Universidade Carlos III)
June 16, 2015, 17h00
Sala Keynes, Faculty of Economics, Unversity of Coimbra and CES-Coimbra
Bio note
Juan José Tamayo holds a degree in Theology from the University Pontificia Comillas (1971), a PhD in Theology from the University of Salamanca (1976), a degree in Social Science from the Institute Leon XIII (1972), degree (1983) and PhD (1990) in Philosophy and Humanities by the Autonomous University of Madrid. He taught at various institutions in Spain and America. He is a full professor at the University Carlos III of Madrid and currently heads the Chair of Theology and Science of Religions Ignacio Ellacuría the Carlos III University . It is co-founder and current general secretary of the Progressive Association of Theologians John XXIII.
This initiative is part of the Boaventura de Sousa Santos Chair in Social Sciences of Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (FEUC)