
Critical public spheres and deliberation - a communicative challenge for contemporary democracy

Antoni Jesús Aguiló

Isabel C. F. Villela

March 23, 2015, 15h00

Room 1, CES-Coimbra

Bio notes

Antoni Jesús Aguiló is graduated in Philosophy at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Philosophy of Law, of Morality and Politics and PhD in Social Sciences and Humanities. Has been researcher at the Philosophy Department of the University of Balearic Islands (Spain). Currently, is member of the Research Group on Democracy, Citizenship and Law (DECIDe) of the Center for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra. Also he collaborates in research/teaching tasks with the Research Group about Politics, Work and Sustainability (PTS) of the Department of Philosophy and Social Work of UIB.

His main research topics are the study of the processes of globalization and political and philosophical dimension of this complex issue, the critical theory of democracy, power, participation and citizenship in the context of hegemonic and counter-hegemonic globalization and the analysis of interculturality as an instrument of social emancipation.

Isabel C. F. Villela is a journalist and PhD candidadte in Political Communication at the Post-Graduate  Programme in Contemporary Communication and Culture of the Federal University of Bahia. Currently developing doctoral traineeship at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra.

Her experience in the field is related to volunteer work in communication management  with social movements and participation in processes of public deliberation in Brazil in the last 20 years. Her academic studies focus on Democracy, Social Participation, Public Deliberation and Political Communication, in the view of democratic learning and political emancipation of individuals. Her most recent publication include:  A qualidade da Comunicação nas práticas democráticas – critérios de avaliação [The quality of communication in democratic practices - evaluation criteria], V Seminário Internacional do CIMJ Media, Democracia e Cidadania na Era Digital. Org. Centro de Investigação Media e Jornalismo, Direcção Estrela Serrano; Edição - Mariposa Azul - Lisboa; Novembro de 2014 ISBN - 978-972-8481-38-4; and, Os Discursos Articulados da Democracia: entre o econômico, o politico e o social [The Articulated Speeches of Democracy: between economic, political and social] In: XXII Encontro Anual da Compós, 2013, Salvador - Bahia. Brasília-DF: Compós, 2013. v. Anais. p. 1-17.


Luciane Lucas dos Santos is senior researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, integrating the Research Group on Democracy, Citizenship and Law (DECIDe), as well as the Alice Project Team - Strange Mirrors, Unsuspected Lessons, an international project funded by European Research Council, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Boaventura de Sousa Santos. Holds a PhD in Communication and Culture by Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ/Brasil) in 2004 and a MsC at the same institution in 1999. Lucas dos Santos has  worked as senior lecturer for 19 years, having a long teaching career at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. She released herself in 2010.