
Transformations of Sexuality

Francisco Allen Gomes (Psiquiatra)

November 26, 2015, 18h00

Room 3.5, Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra

The talk will be led by Francisco Allen Gomes, Ana Cristina Santos and Fátima Alves (sociologists) and up for discussion will be thematics such as desire, medicalisation, disability and sexuality and sexuality and mental illness.

Bio note
Psychiatrist, was chief of the psychiatry service and responsible for the sexology consultation of the University Hospitals of Coimbra until his retirement in 2001. He is an honorary member of the Portuguese Society of Clinical Sexology (SPSC) of which he was founding partner and president of the first governing bodies. Allen Gomes was awarded the gold medal of the European Federation of Sexology and the Merit Medal of the Order of Physicians. Coordinated, with Afonso de Albuquerque and Silveira Nunes, the books “Sexologia Clínica” [Clinical Sexology] and “Sexualidade e Cultura” [Sexuality and Culture] published by the SPSC in 1987. For 10 years he was responsible, in collaboration with Carlos de Oliveira, for an Introductory Course on Medical Sexology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra.
Allen Gomes has collaborated on dozens of postgraduate courses in the field of sexology, including SPSC sex therapists courses and the courses "Introduction to Clinical Sexology", for  which he is solely responsible, as part of Magalhães de Lemos Hopistal postgraduate training in psychiatry.
He has published over 70 scientific papers and 40 dissemination articles. Author of two books: “Sexualidade Traída – Abuso Sexual Infantil e Pedofilia” [Sexuality Betrayed - Child Sexual Abuse and Paedophilia] (in collaboration with Tereza Coelho) and “Paixão, Amor e Sexo” [Passion, Love and Sex].

Organisers: Social Policies, Labour and Inequalities Research Group (POSTRADE)/ NES - FEUC Sociology Students Body