
IR: why it matters and what we should do

Ken Booth (Aberystwyth University)

April 26, 2013, 14h00

Keynes Room, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra


This discussion will be focused on general points about the discipline/subject/field of International Relations as a whole, as part of a broader project prof. Booth is involved in.


Former E.H. Carr Professor and Head of Department. Former Chair and President of the British International Studies Association, and present Vice-President. Visiting positions at the US Naval War College, Dalhousie University (Canada), Cambridge University, University of Southern California, Antwerp University. Fellowships: FBA, AcSS, FRSA. Current editor of International Relations, previously on the editorial team of the Review of International Studies. International Editorial Board member of seven journals. Papers and addresses given in nearly 30 countries. Twice served on the HEFC RAE panel for Politics and International Studies. Recipient of the Susan Strange Award from the International Studies Association, Montreal, 2004.

Main research areas in the past (until the mid-1980s): strategic studies with special reference to nuclear weapons, disarmament and arms control, naval strategy, and security in Europe. Main research areas since the mid-1980s: the theory and practice of security, international relations theory, human rights, nuclear disarmament, and security in Africa. Current projects include: realists and realism, terrorism, and critical theory for critical times. Prof. Booth has widely published on these topics.

Activity within the Doctoral Programme "International Politics and Conflict Resolution" and the research group Humanities, Migration and Peace Studies (NHUMEP)