
Newest wars: conceptual and political challenges

Tatiana Moura (CES)

January 21, 2011, 12h00

Seminar Room (2nd Floor), CES-Coimbra


In an era when the transforming potential of Peace Studies is diluted in practices of social standardization, and institutional and social-economic modelling of the turbulent peripheries of the world system, the recovery of that original feature requires covering two distinct paths. Firstly, the return to a plural cartography of violence and peace, insisting in the need to add latent and faceless violence, like structural, symbolic and cultural violence, to physical and direct violence. he second path is to reject the simplistic opposition between war and peace, replacing it with the continuum between scales and levels of violence/peace. This double effort allows to clearly identify the several social practices of violence, hidden behind the generic framework of formal peace and to question the formal segmentation between war, post-war and peace.

Biographic Note

Tatiana Moura coordinates the Observatory for Professional Development and Education Policy (OGiVA) and is the co-coordinator of the the Research Group on Humanities, Migration and Peace Studies (NHUMEP) of CES. She holds a Graduate Degree in International Relations by the School of Economics of the University of Coimbra, a Master's Degree in Sociology by the same University and a Doctoral Degree on Peace, Conflicts and Democracy by the University Jaume I (Spain).