Making the most of Coimbra
Charles Landry (Presidente do Conselho de Sondagem do Programa RISE Cities da Fundação BMW)
14 de novembro de 2023, 17h00
Sala Keynes, Faculdade de Economia da UC
Evento de apresentação do novo Mestrado em Culturas Urbanas da FEUC, em parceria com a linha temática «Culturas urbanas, sociabilidades e participação | CULTURS» do CES e a Universidade de Augsburg.
Nota biográfica
Charles Landry works with cities around the world to help them make the most of their potential. He is acclaimed as a researcher, author, and speaker. He facilitates complex urban change projects. He is currently chair of the BMW Foundation RISE Cities Sounding Board and co-founder and president of the Creative Bureaucracy Festival that has taken place in Berlin since 2018. He twice chaired the European Capital of Innovation Award as well as the EU Research & Innovation Commission project ‘The human-centred city: Opportunities for citizens through research and innovation.' An international authority on using imagination in creating self-sustaining urban change Charles has advised cities or given talks in over 60 countries.
Author of several books including most recently The Civic City in a Nomadic World and The Creative Bureaucracy & its Radical Common Sense. Others include The Creative City: A toolkit for Urban Innovators, The Art of City Making as well as others covering measuring urban creativity, digitized cities, fragility and risk, the sensory experience and psychology of cities and interculturalism.