SUPERA <br>Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia

Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia

June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2022
48 months

The main aim of the SUPERA project is to implement 6 fully-fledged Gender Equality Plans to articulate a structural understanding of gender inequalities, stereotypes and biases in research as a cross-cutting issue to tackle in their complex, multi-layered dimensions and the inclusion of a gender perspective in research and academia, with a holistic set of measures addressing the above-mentioned objectives of the European Commission’s strategy:
- Building gender sensitive career management and workplaces;
-Transforming decision-making towards accountability, transparency and inclusiveness; and
- achieving excellence through strengthening the gender dimension in research and knowledge transfer.

Any devised solution to be operationalized through the GEPs should take into account contextual features to reach effectiveness, and that innovative measures or initiatives designed by SUPERA should be brought to the knowledge of relevant stakeholders to feed their own expertise regarding SUPERA’s key areas. Partners within SUPERA’s consortium reflect the ambition of this project: maintaining a dual approach, RPOs are characterized by their size and impact potential, and their multidisciplinarity and vast academic offer (UCM, UNICA, CEU, UC-CES), while RFOs (MINECO, RAS) from the same partner countries as UCM and UNICA, respectively, are integral in maximising outreach and comitment as relevant public entities on a national level. This fact, while adding a complexity layer to GEP implementation, expands the scope of the project and the potential long-term impacts regarding sustainability and institutionalisation.

SUPERA will be designed based on four core principles that will tackle the main barriers of implementing GEPs in research organizations: cumulativeness; innovation; inclusiveness and sustainability.


6 fully-fledged Gender Equality Plans to be implemented by research institutions and research funding institutions.


Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Coordenation
Università Degly Studi di Cagliari  (Italy)
Central European University (CEU) (Hungary)
Universidade de Coimbra (UC)/Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES)
Ministério de Economía, industria y Competitividad (MINECO)
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (RAS)
YW Yellow Window (Belgium)
SCIENCES PO Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (France)

gender equality, institutional change, gender in research, research performing organisations, research funding organisations, gender equality plan
Funding Entity
European Commission