Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Organization of O (des)empoderamento de participantes queer numa comunidade que suporta a agricultura no Alentejo rural Guilherme Raj (Universidade de Utrecht) , CES, 07 to 07 February by 2023.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Lands and oceans of knowledge: arts in education and research, CEG-Coimbra, 07 October to 17 November 2022 (com Goncalves, Marisa Velicu, Irina).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Pacific peoples' histories and contemporary activism for environment and self-determination, CEG-Coimbra, 07 October to 16 November 2022 (com Goncalves, Marisa Velicu, Irina).

Organization of What are the prospects for intersectional justice in neoliberal Europe?, CEG-Coimbra, 23 February to 25 May 2022.

Organization of Racialized Capitalism and Intersectional InJustice in Times of War. A view from the European Semi-Periphery, CEG-Coimbra, 09 February to 24 May 2022.

Organization of Pluriverse of Eco-Social Justice, Coimbra, 04 January to 16 July 2022.

Organization of Workshop ´´Berries del cuarto mundo: abordar la "esencialidad" de los trabajadores alimentarios de Europa`, Coimbra, 13 to 13 December by 2021.

Organization of Decolonizing Knowledge: Re-Centering Africa and African Epistemologies in the Quest for Global Transformation Oyeronké Oyewùmí, CEG-Coimbra, 24 to 25 November by 2021.

Organization of Just Food Transitions: Addressing the Peasant Question in Europe, Coimbra, 04 to 04 November by 2021.

Organization of ´The Right to Seed´, with Eco-Ruralis, Participatory Workshop in Romania, Romania, 28 to 29 July by 2021.

Organization of Racism and the Racial State || Rethinking the humanities: problems, opportunities, and prospects, CEG-Coimbra, 07 to 07 April by 2021.

Organization of Tracking-Capitalism: The Political Economy of Algorithmic Culture, CEG-Coimbra, 06 April to 07 December 2021.

Organization of Panel on Ecologia Critica, International Seminar on Environment and Society, Lisbon, , ISS-Lisbon, Lisbon, , 03 to 03 March by 2020.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Food justice and the peasant question in Europe, CES, 22 to 22 January by 2020 (com Velicu, Irina Barca, Stefania).

Organization of Food Justice: Micropolitics , CES, UC, 14 to 14 December by 2018.

Organization of CES Political Ecology Reading Group: Paper presentation and debate, "Prospective Environmental (In)Justice",, University of Coimbra, 15 to 15 June by 2016.

Organization of Entitle International Conference on Political Ecology, "Undisciplined Environments", Stockholm, Sweden, 20 to 24 March by 2016.

Organization of, University of Coimbra, 26 May 2015.

Organization of Panel on Research and Activism, Entitle Intensive Course on Research for Civil Society, Center for the Documentation of Environmental Conflicts, Rome, IT, 21 to 21 December by 2014.

Organization of Workshop on ReCommoning Democracy, , University of Coimbra, 16 to 16 October by 2014.

Presentations in scientific events

Velicu, Irina (2024), "Panel on GreyZone of the Green Transitions", paper presented at Historical Materialism, Cluj-Napoca Romania, 29 to 31 August.

Velicu, Irina (2024), "Speaker on GreyZone of the Green Transitions", paper presented at Ecologies of Emancipacion Summer School, Campu Cetatii Romani, 08 to 13 August.

Velicu, Irina (2023), "Populisms and Emancipatory Rural Politics", paper presented at Far-Right Ecologies in Europe, Uni Pompeu Fabra, 07 to 07 December.

Velicu, Irina (2023), "Commoning", paper presented at Commons, Commoning and Social Change, Uni of Michigan, SEAS, 23 to 23 September.

Velicu, Irina (2023), "Pollenta and Cyanide: Juridical Activism in the Rosia Montana Movement", paper presented at Corporate Accountability for Gross Human Rights Violations, SNSPA Bucharest, 25 to 26 May.

Velicu, Irina (2023), "Necro-Industries, Climate Trauma and the Green Opium of the Progressed ", paper presented at Grupo de Trabalho Epistemologias do Sul, CES, 10 to 10 May.

Velicu, Irina (2023), "Pregressive Rural Politics in Romania", paper presented at Capitalist Transformations in Romania, Cluj-UBB, 23 to 25 March.

Velicu, Irina (2023), "Climate Trauma and Ecologies of Repair at the Periphery of Europe", paper presented at Environmental Public Policies, The Johns Hopkins University - Pompeu Fabra University Public Policy Center Barcelona, 12 to 12 January.

Velicu, Irina (2022), "Performing Unsettled Citizens", paper presented at Pluriverse of Eco-Social Justice, Coimbra, 15 to 15 July.

Velicu, Irina (2022), "Debating the Green Transition", paper presented at Deep Just Transitions: An inquiry on the socio-ecological transition through food and energy, University of Bologna, , 06 to 06 June.

Velicu, Irina (2021), "A Critical Approach to Just Transition", paper presented at JUST2CEE Horizon 2020 , Coimbra, 29 to 29 October.

Velicu, Irina (2021), "Chair for Keynote of Manuel González Molina", paper presented at Portuguese Network of Environmental History, ´Sapiens, Health and Environment´, 16 to 16 October.

Velicu, Irina (2021), "Just Transition and Recovery", paper presented at Just Transition , Green Academy, Institute for Political Ecology and the Transnational Institute, 09 to 09 October.

Velicu, Irina (2021), "Pandemic Ontologies: Immunopolitics and Care", paper presented at Transformative effects of COVID-19 on Globalisation & Law, online, Netherlands, 17 to 17 September.

Velicu, Irina (2021), "´We Juggle with Legality: Seed Commoning in Romania´", paper presented at Good Food, Good Work, Royal Geographical Society, Royal Geographical Society, Annual International Conference, UK. , 01 to 01 September.

Velicu, Irina (2021), "Unbearable Commons", paper presented at Transformative Environmental Humanities STREAMS, Sweden , 03 to 03 August.

Velicu, Irina (2021), "Capitalist Transformations and Emerging Food Movements in Central and Eastern Europe", paper presented at Capitalist Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe, UBB-Cluj, Romania, 21 to 21 May.

Velicu, Irina (2021), "discussant", paper presented at Racism and the Racial State, with David T. Goldberg and Bruno Sena, Coimbra, 07 to 07 April.

Velicu, Irina (2021), "Climate Trauma and the Unbearable Commons", paper presented at Conversas Desconfinadas II, coimbra, 30 to 30 March.

Velicu, Irina (2021), "´Ce avem in Comun?´", paper presented at PODCAST CONTRASENS in Romanian, , online, 16 to 16 March.

Velicu, Irina (2020), "`From Peasants to Urban Workers and Back: Debating Agro - Ecology As Socio-Environmental Justice in Romania´", paper presented at International Seminar on Environment and Society, ISS-Lisbon, Lisbon, 02 to 03 March.

Velicu, Irina (2020), "Food Justice and the Peasant Question in Europe", paper presented at Ecosoc Reading Groups, CES UC, 22 to 22 January.

Velicu, Irina (2019), "Commons and Borders", paper presented at Borders, CES UC, 11 to 11 December.

Velicu, Irina (2019), "JustFood: From AFNs to Socio-Environmental Justice", paper presented at Ciclo de conversas: Inovação social e empreendedorismo social e solidário, FEUC UC, 15 to 15 November.

Velicu, Irina (2019), "Political Ecology in Eastern Europe", paper presented at Revisiting Environmental Justice: Lessons from Romania and Bulgaria, Institute of Social Ecology Vienna, 14 to 14 November.

Velicu, Irina (2019), "Undoing Socio-Environmental Justice", paper presented at Face à vulnerabilidade da vida: criatividade social e novas compreensões do ser humano, CES UC, 14 to 14 November.

Velicu, Irina (2019), "From ´Peasants´ to ´Workers´ and Back? Debating Agro-ecology as Socio-Environmental Justice ", paper presented at As múltiplas faces do Antropoceno: política, agência e crise ontológica, CES UC, 30 to 30 October.

Velicu, Irina (2019), "Book discussion «Towards a political economy of degrowth»", paper presented at «Towards a political economy of degrowth», 29 to 29 October.

Velicu, Irina (2019), "The convergences of two movements, food sovereignty and justice, as theories in praxis", paper presented at Pensar a comida, pensar o mundo, 13 to 13 May.

Velicu, Irina (2018), "Polenta and Cyanide: Reflections on Food Justice", paper presented at Environmental Humanities conference, "(Um)weltschmerz: An exercise in humility and melancholia", Rachel Carson Centre, Munich, Germany., Germany, Rachel Carson Institute, 17 to 18 October.

Velicu, Irina (2018), "Minor Majorities: Addressing democracy in EJ Theory", paper presented at Summer school of political ecology (Centre for Political Theory, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Slovenia, 04 to 05 September.

Velicu, Irina (2017), "Degrowthing Environmental Justice: Insights from Anti-mining Struggles in Romania and Bulgaria", paper presented at Post-Socialist/Post-Colonial Rurality, Bistrita, Romania, 10 to 12 August.

Velicu, Irina (2017), "Desiring Limits or How Might Earth Live", paper presented at American Association for Geographers (AAG), Boston, 05 to 09 April.

Velicu, Irina (2016), ""Prospective Environmental Injustice, The Struggles to Stop Gold-mining in Romania and Bulgaria"", paper presented at Graduate seminars, Department of Environment and Planning, University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, 30 to 30 November.

Velicu, Irina (2016), ""Injusticia ambiental prospectiva: La lucha para detener la minería de oro en Rumania y Bulgaria", paper presented at III Congreso de la Sociedad Mesoamericana de Economía Ecológica (COSMEE), , Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, 14 to 18 November.

Velicu, Irina (2016), ""Performing Commons' Senses"", paper presented at Undisciplined Environments, Entitle International Confererence, Stockholm, Sweden, 20 to 24 March.

Velicu, Irina (2015), "Lectures in Political Ecology", paper presented at Environmental Policies MA course, National School of Political and Administrative Sciences, Romania. , 03 April 27 May.

Velicu, Irina (2014), "THE 'I' and the 'We' - On Non-foundational Solidarities through Post-colonial/communist Gendering", paper presented at International Conference "Material Maters In Times of Crisis Capitalism: Transnational Feminism and Decolonial Approaches, Institute of Sociology, Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany, 13 to 15 November.

Velicu, Irina (2014), "The Post-communist Continuous Crisis and the Wake-up Call of Rosia Montana", paper presented at International Conference on Degrowth, , University of Leibzig, 02 to 06 September.

Velicu, Irina (2014), "Undoing Justice: The Case of Anti-mining in Rosia Montana", paper presented at Mining, Law and Equity Workshop, , SOAS, University of London, , 19 to 19 May.

Velicu, Irina (2014), ""Mining Post-communism, Rethinking Justice"", paper presented at Environmental Justice Workshop, , University of Coimbra, , 24 to 24 April.