Trajetórias Institucionais e Modelos de Empresa Social em Portugal
Social enterprises (SE) are a reality that is asserting itself in Europe, implying innovations in the organizational forms of the social economy and activity sectors, articulating the economic, social, cultural, environmental dimensions, among others, orienting their missions towards problems of poverty, unemployment, aging, sustainability, etc.
The discussions around the concept are also indicative of the transformations and complex articulations in the field of social economy and the relationships between these organizations, the State, companies, and the market.
The existing knowledge in Portugal is limited, despite the international, scientific, and political relevance of social enterprises.
This project aims to contribute to the knowledge of the meaning, profile, institutional context, and roles of SE in Portugal, to help strengthen their role in solving social and societal problems. For such, the project will:
• Proceed to map the institutional framework and meanings of social enterprise in Portugal
• Design a typology of social enterprise models in Portugal
• Identify how existing institutional frameworks shape the behavior of social enterprises and how they shape these institutional frameworks
• Seek to understand the role of social enterprises in responding to social and societal challenges
The conceptual and methodological choices are in line with the International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) project, coordinated by Marthe Nyssens and Jacques Defourny, within SOCENT and inserted in the EMES - International Research Network.
The project is also linked to the COST Action EMPOWER-SE - Empowering the next generation of Social Enterprise Scholars, financed under the European Cooperation in Science and Technology, and coordinated by Marthe Nyssens, under the European Cooperation in Science and Technology.
• Contribute to fill the knowledge gaps about higher education in Portugal
• Strengthen the academic field of social economy
• Help shape decisions by public officials and social entrepreneurs.
• Articulate internationally the field of social enterprises in Portugal
This work is financed by ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through COMPETE 2020 - Operational Program Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) and by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, within the scope of the TIMES project, ref. PTDC / SOC-SOC / 30612/2017 | POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030612.
Maria Elisabete Ramos
Michela Giovannini
Patrícia Moura e Sá
Pedro Fidalgo
Sílvia Ferreira (coord)
Teresa Maneca Lima
Virgínia Ferreira