Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Member of the Organizing Committee of International Colloquium Housing (and) Crisis: Interdisciplinary dialogues for theory and policy, CES Coimbra, 19 to 19 April by 2023 (com Ribeiro, Raquel; Santos, Ana Cordeiro; Valentim, Joaquim Pires; Campos, Rita; Silva, Rita; Castela, Tiago; Coelho, Lina; Jesus, Fernanda).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Seminário intercalar do projeto HOU$ING - Financeirização da habitação no Portugal do século XXI: Representações sociais, práticas e implicações políticas, online, 14 to 14 June by 2022 (com Ribeiro, Raquel; Santos, Ana Cordeiro; Neto, Daniela Sofia; Jesus, Fernanda; Valentim, Joaquim Pires; Coelho, Lina; Campos, Rita; Silva, Rita; Holz, Sheila; Castela, Tiago).

Member of the Organizing Committee of International Seminar FINFAM: Couples' Finances in the Crisis: Gender, Power and Inequalities, CES-Lisboa & CIUL-Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa (Picoas Plaza), 31 August to 01 September 2015 (com Coelho, Lina; Portugal, Sílvia; Ribeiro, Raquel; Ferreira-Valente, Alexandra).

Organization of Membro da Comissão Organizadora do 9eme Colloque International de Psychologie Sociale En Langue Française, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, 01 to 04 July by 2012.

Presentations in scientific events

Melo, Ana Teixeira de; Teixeira, Andreia Sofia; Caves, Leo; Renault, Letícia; Duarte Lopes, Paula; Garnett, Philip; Ribeiro, Raquel; Santos, Filipe (2024), "Requirements and challenges for AI-supported systems of (co)augmented intelligences organised by complex thinking", paper presented at Satellite meeting of the Conference on Complex Systems "Complex Systems and Collective Intelligence", University Exeter, 02 to 02 September.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Gianolla, Cristiano (2024), "xamining the policy process of protective housing policies in Portugal in times of crises", paper presented at 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Porto, Portugal., 27 to 30 August.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2024), "Crise(s) da habitação em Portugal: Desigualdades sociais, polarização e justiça social", paper presented at V Encontro da Secção Temática de Sociologia do Direito e da Justiça, Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia , Universidade da Maia, 16 to 17 May.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2024), "Housing social representations and practices in Portugal in times of crises: the good, the bad, and the villain", paper presented at 7º Encontro Anual de Economia Política, ISEG, Lisboa, Portugal, 25 to 27 January.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2024), "Housing support policies in Portugal in times of crisis: Opinions, experiences, and interrelations with institutional trust", paper presented at PUBLICAÇÕES Ribeiro, R., Neto, D., Santos, A. C., Valentim, J. P. (2022). "Interrelations between financialisation and housing social representations and practices in the 21st century: A scoping review protocol", Oficina do CES, 461, pp. 1-12. Santos, A, online, 23 to 25 January.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2023), "Fair in whose eyes? Justice concerns and housing in Lisbon and Porto, Portugal", paper presented at 19th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Justice Research, Munique, Alemanha, 23 to 26 July.

Campos, Rita; Jesus, Fernanda; Neto, Daniela Sofia; Ribeiro, Raquel (2023), "A crise da habitação na sala de aula: uma experiência de cidadania", paper presented at 5th International Seminar - Education, Territories and Human Development, Porto, Portugal, 20 to 22 July.

Neto, Daniela Sofia; Ribeiro, Raquel (2023), "The Challenges of Building Inclusive Communities: The Contribution of Studying Housing Social Representations and Practices in Portugal", paper presented at XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, online, 25 June 01 July.

Coelho, Lina; Ribeiro, Raquel (2023), "Desigualdades de género na habitação em Portugal - constatações e perceções", paper presented at XII Congresso Português de Sociologia, Coimbra, Portugal, 04 to 06 April.

Neto, Daniela Sofia; Ribeiro, Raquel (2023), "Crise do alojamento estudantil e desigualdades sociais: análise da opinião pública em redes sociais", paper presented at XII Congresso Português de Sociologia, Coimbra, Portugal, 04 to 06 April.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Neto, Daniela Sofia; Valentim, Joaquim Pires; Cabrita, Ana; Santos, Ana Cordeiro; Poeschl, Gabrielle (2023), "Understanding housing social representations and practices in Portugal: A mixed methods approach", paper presented at IV Congresso Internacional CINEICC, Coimbra, Portugal, 29 March 01 April.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Neto, Daniela Sofia; Santos, Ana Cordeiro; Valentim, Joaquim Pires (2023), "Inter-relações entre financeirização, representações sociais e práticas habitacionais: a Scoping review", paper presented at 6º Encontro Anual de Economia Política, UTAD, Vila Real, 27 to 28 January.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2023), "7th World Conference on Qualitative Research", paper presented at «Live or monetize?» Real estate advertising in pandemic times: Evidence from an exploratory study in Lisbon and Porto, Portugal, online, 25 to 27 January.

Coelho, Lina; Vieira, Cristina; Lopes, Mónica; Ribeiro, Raquel; Ramos, Luís M. (2022), "Life conditions of Portuguese women in pandemic times: unexpected challenges through the voices of some more vulnerable groups", paper presented at Gender and adult education in the era of social and cultural changes: (new) risks and challenges, CEAD-UAlg (Faro, Portugal)., 18 to 20 July.

Valentim, Joaquim Pires; Ribeiro, Raquel (2022), "Housing inequalities in financial times: representations and political stakes in Portugal", paper presented at 2022 International Society of Political Psychology Annual Meeting, Athens, Greece, 14 to 17 July.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Santos, Ana Cordeiro; Coelho, Lina; Joaquim Pires, Valentim; Sheila, Holz (2022), "The housing crisis in Portugal: The financialisation of housing and housing practices", paper presented at 2022 Global Meeting on Law & Society, 13 to 16 July.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Santos, Ana Cordeiro (2022), ""Diz-me onde moras e dir-te-ei em quem confias": Exploração dos determinantes habitacionais da confiança nas instituições em Portugal", paper presented at 5º Encontro Anual de Economia Política, 27 to 29 January.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2022), "Home(s) and "staying at home": An exploratory study of the psychosocial impacts of housing inequalities during the Covid-19 pandemic", paper presented at World Conference on Qualitative Research 2022, 26 to 28 January.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2021), "(agri)doce lar: Financeirização da habitação, precariedade habitacional e impacto emocional", paper presented at IV Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro (CONLAB 2021) Utopias pós-crise. Artes e saberes em movimento, 15 to 17 September.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2021), "A(s) casa(s) e o "ficar em casa": Um estudo exploratório dos impactos psicossociais das desigualdades habitacionais na vivência da pandemia da Covid 19", paper presented at 10º Congresso Ibero-Americano em Investigação Qualitativa, 13 to 16 July.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2021), "When housing policies fail to attain expectations: Complaints regarding Covid-19 moratoriums on housing rents and mortgage loans in Portugal", paper presented at 2021 International Society of Political Psychology Annual Meeting, online, 11 to 13 July.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Poeschl, Gabrielle (2021), "Understanding Public Opinion on Globalization: Interrelationships between Socio-Psychological and Geo-Economic Processes and the Contribution of the Theory of Social Representations", paper presented at 26th World Congress of Political Science, online, 10 to 15 July.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2021), "The social (in)justice of housing in financial times and the role of local political institutions", paper presented at 18th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Justice Research, online, 07 to 10 July.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2021), "Housing financialisation processes, the production of space, and satisfaction with housing in Portugal", paper presented at OPTIMISTIC SUBURBIA 2, online, Lisbon, 16 to 18 June.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Santos, Ana C.; Poeschl, Gabrielle; Fernanda, Jesus; Coelho, Lina; Campos, Rita; Silva, Rita; Holz, Sheila; Castela, Tiago (2021), "Pandemia da Covid-19 e habitação: Resultados Preliminares", paper presented at Dia do Neces, online, 23 to 23 April.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2021), "Housing inequalities in Porto, Portugal: Residents' interpellations to local political institutions", paper presented at XI CONGRESSO PORTUGUÊS DE SOCIOLOGIA, [online], 29 to 31 March.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2021), "Uma casa para viver ou investir? Financeirização da habitação, modelos de desenvolvimento e crise pandémica", paper presented at 4º Encontro Anual de Economia Política, online, 28 to 30 January.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Santos, Ana Cordeiro (2020), "The conflicting political debate on housing in Portugal", paper presented at 43rd Virtual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, 14 to 16 July.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2020), "Financeirização da habitação, processos sócio-económico-territoriais, cognição social e práticas comportamentais", paper presented at Dia do Neces, 13 to 13 July.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2020), "Comentários a "Para lá de todas as pandemias, a vida e o trabalho digno no centro da economia"", paper presented at Conversas desconfinadas #3, Formato digital, 23 June.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2020), "Uma casa de sonho para viver ou investir? Financeirização da habitação em Portugal e desigualdades económicas e territoriais ", paper presented at Transformar o Capitalismo com Utopias Reais: Em torno do legado de Erik Olin Wright , Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 23 to 24 January.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2019), "Financeirização da Habitação e Obstáculos ao Direito à Habitação em Portugal", paper presented at ESPAnet Portugal 2019 - Política Social em Portugal Pós Crise e Austeridade, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 13 to 14 September.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2019), "Consensos e dissensos nas dimensões representacionais de "Casa" e "Casa de Sonho"", paper presented at 8º Congresso Ibero-Americano em Investigação Qualitativa , Lisboa, 16 to 19 July.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2019), "Espaço físico e território nas representações de "Casa" e "Casa de Sonho"", paper presented at EJI-PATER II Encontro de Jovens Investigadores. Património e Território, Universidade do Minho, 06 to 07 June.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2019), "Right to housing, citizenship, and social (in)equalities in financial times", paper presented at I Congresso Internacional - Humanismo, Direitos Humanos e Cidadania Global, Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa, 30 May 01 June.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Silva, Rita (2019), "Financeirização da habitação, processos de discriminação e políticas públicas", paper presented at XIV Jornadas Internacionais "Grandes Problemáticas do Espaço Europeu" , Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 24 to 26 May.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2019), "Modos de provisão da habitação e processos de expulsão e segregação socio-territorial em Portugal", paper presented at COLÓQUIO "PERIFERIAS E SUAS TRANSFORMAÇÕES RECENTES" - Sessão 4, Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, 28 to 28 March.

Ribeiro, Raquel (2019), "Financeirização da habitação em Portugal: Impactos psicossociais, desigualdades socio-territoriais e justiça social", paper presented at Dia do NECES, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra, Portugal, 21 to 21 March.

Oliveira, Miguel; Jesus, Fernanda; Ribeiro, Raquel (2018), "Conferência Género, poder e negociação financeira: Perceções e comportamentos em casais portugueses. ", paper presented at Conferência, Universidade de Évora, 16 to 16 May.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Lina, Coelho; Frade, Catarina; Ferreira-Valente, Alexandra (2018), "Impacto da pobreza, endividamento e mudanças no estilo de vida no bem-estar psicológico de casais Portugueses", paper presented at 12º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde, Lisboa, 25 to 27 January.

Santos, Ana Cordeiro; Ribeiro, Raquel (2017), "Financialised housing and socio-spatial inequality: Lisbon and Porto Metropolitan Areas compared", paper presented at Fourth International "The Real Estate/Financial Complex", Leuven, Belgium, 20 to 22 September.

Oliveira, Miguel ; Jesus, Fernanda; Ribeiro, Raquel; Frade, Catarina (2016), "Exploring a gender dimension in household financial negotiation processes", paper presented at 2016 Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, United States, 02 to 05 June.

Vieira, Cristina; Coelho, Lina; Portugal, Sílvia; Ribeiro, Raquel (2016), "Balancing private and working life in heterosexual couples with dependent children: a study in Portugal during the period of economic crisis (2012-2014), ", paper presented at 1st International Interdisciplinary Conference Women and men facing everyday challenges. Work and life demands in the context of gender. , Łódź, Poland, 19 to 21 May.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Silva, Bruno; Pimenta, Carlos; Poeschl, Gabrielle (2015), "Consumer insurance fraud: Contributions to explanation and research", paper presented at 3rd OBEGEF Conference, Interdisciplinary Insights on Fraud and Corruption (I2FC2015) - 'The Costs of Economic Crime', Porto, 28 to 28 November.

Poeschl, Gabrielle; Ribeiro, Raquel; Rodrigues, Kelly (2015), "Um percurso nos meandros das representações sociais da corrupção", paper presented at Colóquio Criminalidade, Controlo Social e Coesão Social, Porto, 30 to 30 October.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Oliveira, Miguel; Jesus, Fernanda (2015), "Experimental study of perception of power within couples relating to financial expenses, income and agency", paper presented at International Seminar FINFAM: Couples' Finances in the Crisis: Gender, Power and Inequalities, CES-Lisboa & CIUL-Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa (Picoas Plaza), 31 August 01 September.

Oliveira, Miguel; Ribeiro, Raquel; Jesus, Fernanda (2015), "Negotiation and intrahousehold expenditure allocation - trends and dynamics of agreement in Portuguese couples", paper presented at International Seminar FINFAM: Couples' Finances in the Crisis: Gender, Power and Inequalities, CES-Lisboa & CIUL-Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa (Picoas Plaza), 31 August 01 September.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Poeschl, Gabrielle (2015), "Portuguese economic crisis and social representations of globalization", paper presented at 2nd Cive Morum International Congress, Porto, 30 to 31 March.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Frade, Catarina; Coelho, Lina; Ferreira-Valente, Alexandra (2015), "Crise económica em Portugal: Alterações nas práticas quotidianas e nas relações familiares", paper presented at XII CONLAB, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 01 February 05 March.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Coelho, Lina; Ferreira-Valente, Alexandra (2014), "Economic crisis and unemployment: Consequences for gender equality within the family", paper presented at II International Conference on Family and Society: Family and Sustainable Development, Barcelona, 24 to 25 September.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Poeschl, Gabrielle (2013), "O motivo de justiça enquanto organizador do posicionamento em relação à globalização", paper presented at VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Aveiro, 20 to 22 June.

Múrias, Cláudia; Ribeiro, Raquel; Koning, Marijke de; Lopes, Liliana; Carvalho, Alexandra (2013), "Intervenção para a mudança social: construindo percursos de literacia para a igualdade de género", paper presented at VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia., Aveiro, 20 to 22 June.

Poeschl, Gabrielle; Ribeiro, Raquel (2013), "Factores de variação na percepção da corrupção", paper presented at Simpósio "Os Crimes de Fraude e a Corrupção no Espaço Europeu", Coimbra.

Macedo, Eunice; Múrias, Cláudia; Koning, Marijke de; Macedo, Amélia ; Carvalho, Alexandra; Ribeiro, Raquel (2012), "Making the best of cultural diversity: Conversational learning.", paper presented at 2nd Conference Applied Interculturality Research, Porto, 22 to 24 November.

Poeschl, Gabrielle; Ribeiro, Raquel (2012), "Everyday opinions on grand and petty corruption: A Portuguese study. ", paper presented at Interdisciplinary Insights on Fraud and Corruption: International Conference. , Porto, Portugal, 13 to 15 September.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Poeschl, Gabrielle (2012), "Représentations de la mondialisation: Analyse de quelques principes organisateurs des prises de positions. ", paper presented at 9e Colloque International de Psychologie Sociale En Langue Française. , Porto, 01 to 04 July.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Poeschl, Gabrielle (2012), "Perceived consequences of globalization in Portuguese social representations", paper presented at 11th International Conference on Social Representations, Évora, 25 to 29 June.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Poeschl, Gabrielle (2011), "Representações sociais da globalização: um jogo de soma nula? ", paper presented at IX Congresso Internacional de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Sócio-Cultural, Porto, 15 to 17 December.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Poeschl, Gabrielle (2011), "Perceived inevitability and possibility of action in social representations of globalization", paper presented at The British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section Annual Conference 2011, Cambridge, 06 to 08 September.

Múrias, Cláudia; Koning, Marijke de; Ribeiro, Raquel; Carvalho, Alexandra (2011), "Partilhando lideranças na literacia para a igualdade de género e qualidade de vida", paper presented at I Congresso Internacional Construir a Paz. , Porto, 15 to 16 June.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Poeschl, Gabrielle (2010), "Social representations of globalization: A struggle for justice?", paper presented at 10th International Conference on Social Representations, Tunis, Tunísia, 05 to 08 July.

Ribeiro, Raquel; Poeschl, Gabrielle (2010), "Metassistema e representações sociais da globalização", paper presented at VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Braga, 04 to 06 February.