Articles in Scientific Journals

Simão, Licínia (2024), "Entre a guerra e as normas internacionais: os conflitos esquecidos da Eurásia pós-soviética", Relações Internacionais, Dezembro, 84, 39-53

Simão, Licínia (2019), "As crises da ordem liberal", R:I. Relações Internacionais, 63, setembro, 39-51
DOI Open Access

Simão, Licínia (2018), "Nuclear Security in the EU's vicinity: Challenges of the Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant", Caucasus International, July
Open Access

Simão, Licínia (2018), "European Foreign Policy Challenges in the South Caucasus: the Limits of a Normative-Based Geopolitics", Debater a Europa, 18, 85-102
DOI Open Access

Simão, Licínia (2017), "Bringing "the political" back into European security: challenges to the EU's ordering of the Eastern Partnership", East European Politics, 33, 3, 338-354

Contreras, Javier Martínez; Nascimento, Daniela; Simão, Licínia (2017), "Challenges to the nation-state in the context of European integration: an overview of the tension between citizenship rights and neoliberalism", European Politics and Society, 1-16
Open Access

Simão, Licínia (2016), "The Ukrainian conflict in Russian foreign policy: Rethinking the interconnections between domestic and foreign policy strategies", Small Wars & Insurgencies, 27, 3, 491-511
DOI Open Access

Freire, Maria Raquel; Simão, Licínia (2016), "(Re)focusing the Atlantic Alliance: Reframing Security Readings into a Peace Agenda", The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, 1, 51-60

Freire, Maria Raquel; Simão, Licínia (2015), "The Modernisation Agenda in Russian Foreign Policy", European Politics and Society, 16, 1, 126-141

Simão, Licínia (2014), "(In)security in Post-Soviet Eurasia: Contributions from Critical Security Studies", e-cadernos CES, 19, 132-152
DOI Open Access

Simão, Licínia (2014), "The EU's Conflict Resolution Policies in the Black Sea Area", Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 16, 3, 300-313

Simão, Licínia (2013), "Region-building in the eastern neighbourhood: assessing EU regional policies in the South Caucasus", East European Politics, 29, 3, 273-288

Korosteleva, Elena A.; Natorski, Michal; Simão, Licínia (2013), "The eastern dimension of the European neighbourhood policy: practices, instruments and social structures", East European Politics, 29, 3, 257-272

Freire, M. R.; Simão, L. (2013), ""From words to deeds": European Union democracy promotion in Armenia", East European Politics, 29, 2, 175-189

Freire, Maria Raquel; Simão, Lícinia (2013), "The EU's security actorness: the case of EUMM in Georgia", European Security, 22, 4, 464-477

Simão, Licínia (2012), "The problematic role of EU democracy promotion in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh", Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 45, 1-2, 193-200

Simão, Licínia (2012), "Do leaders still decide? The role of leadership in Russian foreign policymaking", International Politics, 49, 4, 482-497

Simão, Licínia (2012), "EU-OSCE Inter-Institutional Interaction: Preventing Water-Related Conflict in Central Asia", Journal of Global Policy and Governance, 1, 2, 117-128

Simão, Licínia; Rodrigues, Sónia (2012), "The European Union between enlargement and the neighborhood: Cases from the Western Balkans and the South Caucasus", Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 54, 1

Simão, Licínia (2011), "Post-Lisbon EU-South Caucasus relations", Caucasus International, 1, 2, 155-165

Simao, Licinia (2011), "Discursive differences and policy outcomes: EU-Russia relations and security in Europe", Eastern Journal of European Studies, 2, 1, 86-96

Simão, Licínia (2011), "Portuguese and Spanish Relations with Moscow: Contributions from the EU's Periphery to the CFSP", Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 19, 2, 213-223

Simão, Licínia (2011), "EU-Russia relations and the European security in perspective", L'Europe Unie, 5, 2-8

Simão, Licínia (2011), "EU-South Caucasus relations: do good governance and security go together?", Political Perspectives, 5, 2, 33-57

Simão, Licínia (2010), "Bridges over the Caspian: Azerbaijan's strategic role in EU-Central Asian relations", Nação e Defesa, 127, Fall, 225-244

Simão, Licínia (2010), "Letter from Bishkek: On democracy in Central Asia", Relações Internacionais, 26, June, 61-66

Simão, Licínia (2010), "Boa governação e estabilidade na vizinhança da UE: Normas, discursos e instrumentos no contexto do Cáucaso", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 90, 133-148

Simão, Licínia; Freire, Maria Raquel (2008), "The EU's Neighbourhood Policy and the South Caucasus: Unfolding new patterns of cooperation", Caucasian Review of International Affairs, 2, 4, Fall, 47-61
Open Access

Guedes, Alena; Simão, Licínia (2008), "The European Neighbourhood Policy viewed from Belarus and Georgia", CFSP Forum, 6, 6, November, 1-6

Freire, Maria Raquel; Simão, Licínia (2008), "European Neighbourhood Policy: Competition and cooperation in the South Caucasus", Nação e Defesa, 119, 3rd series, 141-166

Freire, Maria Raquel; Simão, Licínia (2006), "The EU's Neighbourhood Policy towards the Southern Caucasus: Searching for Commonalty in a Patchy Scenario", Comparative Constitutional Review Journal, 4, 57, 136-144 (in Russian)