Garraio, Júlia (2023) critical review to Alexia Tranchese (2023), From Fritzl to #metoo: Twelve Years of Rape Coverage in the British Press, Cham: Palgrave, in European Journal of Women's Studies
Garraio, Júlia (2020) critical review to Heike Kahlert (ed.) (2018), Gender Studies and the New Academic Governance. Global Challenges, Glocal Dynamics and Local Impacts, Wiesbaden: Springer, 289, in ex aequo, 197-200
Garraio, Júlia (2020) critical review to Cláudia Pereira and Joana Azevedo (eds) (2019), New and Old Routes of Portuguese Emigration: Uncertain Futures at the Periphery of Europe, Cham: Springer, 281, in International Journal of Iberian Studies, 245-246
Garraio, Júlia (2020) critical review to Ulrike Lindner, Dörte Lerp (2018), New perspectives on the history of gender and empire, London: Bloomsbury, 307, in Affilia
Garraio, Júlia (2018) critical review to Rebecca Rogers e Myriam Boussahba-Bravard (2018), Women in International and Universal Exhibitions, 1876-1937, New York/ London: Routledge, 286, in ex æquo, 185-197
Garraio, Júlia (2017) critical review to Elissa Mailänder (2015), Female SS Guards and Workaday Violence. The Majdanek Concentration Camp, 1942-1944, East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 434, in e-cadernos ces [online] 27, 125-130
Garraio, Júlia (2016) critical review to Maria Gil Reis (2015), Poesia e Prosa", número temático da revista Textos & Pretextos, in "Ler na fronteira. As Literaturas Africanas de língua portuguesa em perspetiva comparada", número temático da revista E-Cadernos