Other Activities
2008 - "Caracterização sociográfica das instituições de emergência e socorro e percepção do risco no Distrito de Coimbra", presentation conducted at the Civil Government of Coimbra, September 13.
2008 - "Caracterização sociológica dos corpos de bombeiros de Coimbra", presentation conducted at Federation of Firefighters of Coimbra District, February 15th.
2008 - "Espaço Público, Media e Cidadania", presentation conducted at the Conference "Cultura de Massas ou Cultura Popular?", organized by the City Council of Mangualde, March 14th.
2008 - "Risco, precaução e a responsabilidade do Estado", opening remarks at Tribuna Cívica "As consequências da exploração do urânio em Portugal", organized by Comissão dos Ex-Trabalhadores da ENU, Nisa, October 19th.
2008 - Factores de Sucesso e Abandono Escolar no Ensino Superior em Portugal: Apresentação de alguns Resultados Preliminares", presentation conducted at a work meeting, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, April 22nd.
2007 - Assessment of research projects such as Proyectos de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (2006), in the category Temas Abiertos, project type Jóvenes, do Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnologia, Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva, Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica da Argentina (July).
2007 - Opinion on the issue number 14 of the journal Revista Plural - Journal of the students of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology and Humanities of the University of São Paulo, USP (October).
2006 - Contract with the Fundação Pires Negrão for the provision of training, studies and technical consultancy services (September).
2005 - Participation as expert in the jury of Cidadãos no Dia Nacional da Ciência 2005. An initiative by the Research Group on Science, Technology and Society (NECTS) of the Centre for Social Studies, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra. ITAP, Coimbra, November 24th.
2003-2004 - Technical advisor of the applied survey within the Research Project Processo de renovação urbana e social da Baixa de Coimbra (Urban and Social rehabilitation in the downtown area of Coimbra), coordinated by Professor Carlos Fortuna, team member of the CCARQ Research Group - Cities, Cultures and Architecture of the Centre for Social Studies, Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra.
2002-2003 - Seminar on "Os Clássicos da Sociologia", conducted at the access seminar to the Master and Doctoral Programme in Sociology, Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (December 2002).
2002-2003 - Technical advisor of the applied survey and of the corresponding data analysis, within the Permanent Observatory for Portuguese Justice (OPJ), located at the Centre for Social Studies, Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra.
2001 - Training of Statistics Portugal, IP (INE) interviewers surveying the Sondagem à Opinião Pública ao Funcionamento dos Tribunais em Portugal (Public Opinion Survey on the functioning of Courts in Portugal) in the framework of the Permanent Observatory for Portuguese Justice (OPJ), located at the Centre for Social Studies, Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, and directed by Professor Boaventura de Sousa Santos (September/October. Évora, Faro, Coimbra, Lisbon, Porto, Funchal and Angra do Heroísmo)
1999 - - Monitor of the module "Demografia" da Acção de Formação do PROFISSS (Projecto de Formação Inicial Qualificante para a Solidariedade e Segurança Social), sponsored by the Secretary of State - Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, by the Portuguese Social Security Authorities and by the European Social Fund. The module was conducted in Viseu (September)
1999 - Technical support in the development of the surveys to be conducted in the framework of IDARC Project (Instituto de Desenvolvimento Agrícola da Região Centro), Estudo das Necessidades de Formação para a Fileira Vitivinícola.
1998 - Monitor of the module "Demografia" da Acção de Formação 14/98 do Profiss (Projecto de Formação Inicial Qualificante para a Solidariedade e Segurança Social), sponsored by the Secretary of State - Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, by the Portuguese Social Security Authorities and by the European Social Fund. The module was conducted in Coimbra (December).
1993 - Monitor of the training unit "Sociedade Portuguesa, Educação e Formação Pessoal e Social" as part of the FOCO programme, which took place at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra. Lectured the modules "Estado e Estruturas Políticas" and "Desigualdades Sociais e Condições de Vida" (April 5 to 16)
1991 - Monitor of a short duration intensive course for agriculture advisory technicians, on the assessment and rural extension methodologies.