POLICREDOS - Religions and Society


Gender ideology in Brazil: precursor events and unfoldings

Fernanda Marina Feitosa Coelho

Tainah Biela Dias

January 9, 2020, 15h00

Room 2, CES | Alta

Comments: Luciane Lucas dos Santos (UFSB/CES) and Teresa Toldy (UFP/CES)  | Moderator: Júlia Garraio (CES).



Since the year 2010, it is possible to observe the clearer proliferation of conservative religious segments in the Brazilian political scenario. In particular, after the elaction campaign of that same year, the Evangelical Parliamentary Front (FPE) has acted, in partnership with the Mixed Apostolic Roman Catholic Parliamentary Front, in name of the so-called "defense of family". This flagsip is manifest in legislative proposals, in speeches from the Brazilian National Congress, as well as in its articulations in pressuring the Executive Branch regarding certain guidelines. One of these, that echoes until this day, and had as main consequence the election of the far-right candidate to the office of Presidnet of the Republic of Brazil, Jair Messias Bolsonario, is the fight against the so-called "gender ideology", which gained repercussion in the debates of the National Plan for Education and then gained mediatic projection due to the actions of politcal-religious leaders. Thus, this seminar intends to debate the main arguments that justify, in the perspective of these MPs and politcal-religious leaders, the fight against "gender ideology", as well as its tie to "defense of family" and the consequnces of this process in current day Brazil. 

Bio note

Fernanda Marina Feitosa Coelho | PhD Candidate in Religion Sciences at the Methodist University of São Paulo and short-term exchange doctoral intern at the University of Coimbra. Holds a MA in Religion Sciences at the Methodist University of São Paulo (2017) and an Undergraduate Degree in Economic Sciences at the Cruzeiro do Sul University (2011). Has for main interests the proliferation of discourses on the so-called "gender ideology" in the Brazilian political scene, as well as its repercussion in the media due to actions of political-religious leaders. 

Tainah Biela Dias | PhD Candidate in Religion Sciences at the Methodist University of São Paulo and short-term exchange doctoral intern at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Holds a MA in Religion Sciences at the Methodist University of São Paulo 82017) and an Undergraduate Degree in Social Sciences at the Ponitficial Catholic University of Campinas (2014). Has for main interests the relations between religion and politics in Brazil, especially with regard to the hindering of the rights of the LGBTI+ population, and also conducts research on the experince of LGBTI+ in Brazil. 


Organisers: POLICREDOS | Observatory for Religion in the Public Space, with the support of the Research Project DeCodeM - (Des)Codificar Masculinidades: para uma melhor compreensão do papel dos media na construção de perceções de masculinidades em Portugal