COORDINATION: Claudino Ferreira
The issue of urbanism and the cities is of most pertinence and timeliness. The cities and their multiple sociocultural, political and environmental manifestations are one of the topics that most condition the future quality of life of the majority of the world’s population. Against this background, the Doctoral Programme on Cities and Urban Cultures aims at offering advanced, scientific, professional and interventional training around the world’s urban agenda, its development and its limitations and inconsistencies.
It is a comprehensive programme with a wide range of themes, stimulating the interdisciplinary dialogue between its core sociological matrix and other scientific fields and knowledge areas. The programme follows the international debate around cities and their future, and focuses on various social, political and cultural dimensions of urban life and on the ways of organizing, planning and governing contemporary cities.
The Doctoral Programme in Sociology – Cities and Urban Cultures began in 2008/2009, being accredited in 2020 by “Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior” (Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education - A3ES) for a 6-year term. The programme is offered biennially, with a new programme edition every 2 year.
The Doctoral Programme aims to:
- Contribute to the training of researchers and academic lecturers in the programme’s area of specialization;
- Contribute to the training of highly qualified professionals, with a strong capacity to autonomously and innovatively implement advanced research competences and scientific knowledge in urban and cultural audit, planning, intervention and management activities;
- Contribute to the advancement of theoretical, methodological and empirical knowledge in the areas of sociology and urban and cultural studies, with a particular emphasis on the Portuguese and the European urban circumstances and on the social and cultural transformation of the cities, as well as to the development of enabling conditions for the implementation of such knowledge in political, administrative and technical intervention environments.
"I emphasize the transdisciplinary character that the doctoral programme and CES provide and stimulate in a formidable way. The work plan and dialogues, developed within the programme, bring together a set of predicates that provide a fertile ground for my scientific productivity."
Cristiano Pacheco, all but dissertation (Brazil)

"My doctoral experience has been full of new learning in the study of cities, as a result of the debates in class with colleagues and professors. CES offers interdisciplinary seminars that stimulate the development of a critical sense. It is a great experience."
Violeta Rodríguez Becerril, all but dissertation (Mexico)