Miguel Cardina
Miguel Cardina is a Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies.He is currently member of the coordination of the Research Group "Europe and the Global South: Heritages and Dialogues". He was an European Research Council (ERC) Grantee (project: «CROME - Crossed Memories, Politics of Silence. The Colonial-Liberation Wars in Postcolonial Times» (2017-2023). He is the author or co-author of several books, book chapters or papers on colonialism, anticolonialism and the colonial wars; political ideologies in the sixties and seventies; and the dynamics between history and memory. Last books: 2022, Remembering the Liberation Struggles in Cape Verde. A mnemohistory. London e New York: Routledge (with Inês Nascimento Rodrigues). Ed. in Portuguese by the Coimbra University Press. 2023, O Atrito da Memória. Colonialismo, guerra e descolonização no Portugal contemporâneo (ed. in Italian by Meltemi; ed. in Portuguese by Tinta-da-china; ed.in spanish Verso). 2024, "The Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles. Memory, Politics and Uses of the Past"(ed.), New York: Routledge.
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Cardina, Miguel (2024), A deserção como forma de combate, in Maria José Lobo Antunes e Inês Ponte (org.), A Guerra Guardada. Lisboa: Tinta-da-china, 121-128
Book Chapter
Cardina, Miguel (2024), Introdução. O 25 de Abril, 50 anos depois: memória, pluralidade e conflito, in Manuel Loff e Miguel Cardina (org.), 25 de Abril. Revolução e mudança em 50 anos de memória. Lisboa: Tinta-da-china, 15-22
Cardina, Miguel (2024), La Fricción de la Memoria. Barcelona: Verso Libros