Roberto Vecchi


Roberto Vecchi is Associated Professor of Brazilian and Portuguese Literature at the Faculty of Foreign Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Bologna and also professor and director of the PhD Programmes on Iberistic Studies at Universities in Bologna, Milan and Bergamo. He is an associated researcher at the Centro de Estudos Sociais, University of Coimbra and an invited researcher of the Brasilian CNPq. Since 2007, he holds the "Eduardo Lourenço Chair" at the University of Bologna/ Instituto Camões, with Margarida Calafate Ribeiro. His current research interests include Brazilian and Portuguese Studies, particularly the areas concerning to history, literature, trauma, memory and violence criticism. His recent publications include: 'Antologia da Memória Poética da Guerra Colonial' (ed. with Margarida Calafate Ribeiro; Afrontamento, 2011); 'Topografia delle culture' (ed. with Rita Monticelli; Bologna, I Libri di Emil, 2011); 'Excepção Atlântica. Pensar a Literatura da Guerra Colonial', (Afrontamento, 2010), 'Eça de Queirós, La corrispondenza di Fradique Mendes. Memorie e note' (ed. with Vincenzo Russo; Diabasis, 2009); 'Atlantico Periferico. Il Postcolonialismo portoghese e il sistema mondiale' (ed. with Margarida Calafate Ribeiro and Vincenzo Russo; Diabasis, 2008).

Latest Publications

Book Chapter

Vecchi, Roberto (2021), Melancolia e luto, nostalgia e saudade, in António Sousa Ribeiro (org.), A cena da pós-memória. O presente do passado na Europa pós-colonial. Porto: Afrontamento, 85-95