Active Youth Participation in Governance in Community Areas
COMUNIX project is the result of a transnational partnership between a research institute in Portugal (CES), a cultural cooperative in Galicia, Spain (Trespés) and a collective property institution in Italy (Partecipanza Agraria de Nonantola).
Its primary goal is to create, test and implement Communitarian Schools for young people between 15 and 30 years old from both sexes in Portugal and Galicia on the subject of the governance of the commons.
The Communitarian Schools are an innovative approach based on informal and non-formal learning that aim to make young people aware of how their territory is governed and to exchange experiences about the management of common pool resources in their lands.
COMUNIX will capacitate young people for active participation in the management of the lands in the future, making them aware of the challenges that these areas are facing and the possible ways to overcome them at the scale of Europe.
The project will run for 12 months and the following activities and results will take place:
- COMUNIX launching at local, regional, national and international level;
- recruitment of the 20 young participants from 15 to 30 years that shall participate in the Communitarian Schools, 10 residents in Portugal and 10 residents in Galicia, favoring the participation of 8 young people will less opportunities;
- training activities for young people to become experts on their own territories and tutors for young people from other country;
- implementation of the Communitarian School during summer vacations in in Galicia (Vigo) and Portugal (Lousã);
- launching the COMUNIX Channel at Youtube;
- evaluation of the Communitarian Schools through qualitative methodologies after one month to assess the transformative effect on the participants and entities involved;
- systematization of the experiences on a Pedagogical Kit and Model for the implementation of the Communitarian Schools;
- report on youth participation and community areas in Europe;
- organization of one multiplier event with young people and community land managers in Europe at Portugal;
- several dissemination activities to target audiences at local, regional, European and international level;
- transnational meeting of COMUNIX closure and elaboration of strategies for its sustainability.
Communitarian Schools will be implemented in strong collaboration with the local communities managing common lands and local agents from the very beginning, and will be crucial partners for the dissemination and sustainability of the initiative.
Luísa de Pinho Valle
Paula de Carvalho Bastone
Rita Marcos
Rita Serra (coord)
Sérgio Barbosa