Giovanni Allegretti
Graduated in Architecture and PhD in Urban, Territorial and Environmental Planning for the University of Florence (Italy), he is a senior researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, being part of the Research Group of research on "Urban Cultures, Sociabilities and Participation". Qualified as a full professor in Italy, he has been teaching Urban Management and Analysis of Territories and Settlements at the University of Florence. Until december 2022, he has been co-coordinator of the PhD "Democracy in the 21st century" at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC), where he still give lectures. He also teaches in some Master courses on participatory processes at the Venice IUAV University and at Perugia University (Italy), as well as at the pablo de Olavide University in Seville (Spain). His main areas of research include citizen participation in the management of budgeting and territorial management, topics on which he has numerous publications in several languages. He also works on themes such as informal city and self-production of habitat, the right to the city, practices of 'insurgent citizenship' and cities' networks on the international stage. Representative of Portugal at the COST Action "Constitution-making and deliberative democracy" (CA17135), is an active member of the Standing Group on "Democratic Innovations" at the European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR), as well as of the Commission for Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights of UCLG and of the International Observatory of Participatory Democracy (OIDP). Coordinator of several research projects that resulted in the organization and publication of books and scientific articles, he was also a trainer, consultant and evaluator of participatory processes in more than 50 countries in 5 continents, with contracts signed both with civic organizations and public administrations, and with international institutions such as the World Bank, UCLG, the European Commission and the Council of Europe. For the 2014-2019 mandate, he has been co-president of the Independent Authority for the Guarantee and the Promotion of Participation in the Tuscany Region (Italy). nHe is currently PI of the H2020 project "PHOENIX: the Rise of Citizens' Voices for a Greener Europe" and coordinates the Portuguese units of the "Nets4Dem" and "Inova Juntos" transnational projects. He is also member of the research teams of the "URBINAT" and "UNPOP" projects.
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2025-02-26 Canal CES
Resentful emotions and precarious political identities in the era of grievance politics
2025-02-06 Canal CES
The Rise of Citizens Voices for a Greener Europe
Triangular Urban Cooperation for Innovation and Sustainability
Network of Networks 4 Democracy
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Paula, Anabela; Castro, Paula; Frazão, Luciana; Pulido, Fernando; Figueredo, Alvaro; Allegretti, Giovanni; Pedro, Sergio (2025), Co-creación de paisajes transfronterizas resilientes a los incendios forestales - caso de estudio 'Gata-Malcata', in AAVV (org.), Actas del 9º Congreso Forestal Español. Guion
Book Chapter
Santos, Joana; Allegretti, Giovanni; Ferreira, Isabel (2025), Reflecting on democratic innovations in Africa: macrotrends and common challenges from a highly diverse continent, in Stephen Elstub and Oliver Escobar (org.), Handbook of Democratic Innovation and Governance (updated version). Edward Elgar
Book Chapter
Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), Declinare la "partecipazione" per costruire il cambiamento: il messaggio di innovativo di Papa Francesco., in Raul Buffo (org.), integral ecology for a social ecological transformation. Loppiano: Tracce - Sophia Universitry Institute