POLICREDOS - Religions and Society


Gender and spirituality in catholic universes: hypotheses for a trans-historical reading 

Tiago Pires Marques (CES)

March 15, 2023, 15h00 (GMT)

Online event

Moderator: Júlia Garraio (CES)


Coinciding approximately with the publication of the collective book Religião e Masculinidades. Modelos, práticas e transgressões [Religion and Masculinities. Models, Practices and Transgressions] (co-organised by João Luís Fontes and Maria Filomena Andrade), the third volume of a series which began in 2015, this session will give an account of a research path that mobilised more than twenty researchers around the themes of gender, religion, masculinity and femininity. From a personal perspective of this collective initiative, I will present some initial questions, as well as the successive shifts of problematization and the conceptual innovations generated by the research and the debates within this project. Next, I will present some proposals for a trans-epochal reading, mobilizing together the history of permanences and discontinuities and anthropological interpretations, trying to scrutinize the possible impact of this set of investigations for the understanding of gender dynamics through the prism of the practices of spirituality. 

Bio note 

Tiago Pires Marques | Principal Investigator FCT at CES since 2019, Tiago Pires Marques integrates the Thematic Line Risk(s), Ecologies, Health. He obtained his PhD in History from the European University Institute (2007) with a thesis on the transformations of criminal law under the construction of Fascisms. (See 'Crime and the Fascist State', Routledge, 2016). Since 2008, he has studied the developments of psi knowledge (psychiatry, psychology and psychoanalysis) and the "manufacturing of the psyche", at the intersection between the history of sciences and the history of religions. Researcher at CES since 2014, he develops his socio-historical research on mental health, extending his scope of observation to contemporary times. He is currently investigating the history of mental health models in their relationship with the medicalization of life and the history of human rights. He is especially interested in knowledge, political proposals and alternatives to psychiatry produced by user movements in the field of psychiatry. 


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