Articles in Scientific Journals
Van Vossole, Jonas; Uchôa, Marcela (2024), "Uma breve historia de Portugal, A Era Contemporânea (1807-2020)Raquel Varela and Roberto Della Santa: Uma breve historia de Portugal, A Era Contemporânea (1807-2020) Lisbon, Bertrand Editora, 2023, 535 pp., 19.98ISBN 9789722541909. Raquel Varela and Roberto Della Santa: Lisbon, Bertrand Editora, 2023, 535 pp., 19.98 ISBN 9789722541909", Critique, 52, 1, 165-168
Van Vossole, Jonas; Uchôa, Marcela (2024), "Israel and the End of International Law", Journal of World-Systems Research, 30, 1, 514-519
Van Vossole, Jonas (2014), "Divergent narratives on democracy in the Portuguese social conflict: A dialect materialist approach", Cabo dos Trabalhos, 10, 1-17
Van Vossole, Jonas (2012), "Global Climate Governance: a legitimation crisis", Review, a Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center, XXXV, 1, 1-27