Other Activities

May 2015 - Chair of the Discussion "A Crise no Mediterrâneo é de toda a gente!" (org. NHUMEP), Cafetaria do TAGV

March 2016 - Co-organization of the Meeting "Como se representa os refugiados nos meios de comunicação social?" (RMIR Group)

February 2014 - Discussant of the YAMEC Network Start-up Workshop "Mobilities in Times of Economic Crisis", IGOT,Lisbon University

April 2012 - Rapporteur of the Seminar "Health, Gender and Immigration", ed. by GRAAL, Nursing School of Coimbra

6 November 2009 - Participation in the seminar "Health and Integration: new realities, opportunities and challenges", in the Plenary Session II - "Interculturalism and Integration" - Tables and Training ", ed.'s Health in Portuguese, IPJ of Coimbra

4 October 2008 - Roundtable Moderator of the course "Migration in Hybrid Spaces: Re-imagining Portugal," CES

4 March 2011 - Panel moderator Citizenship and Cultural Diversity in Meeting Homage to Maria Ioannis Baganha: Migration, Integration, Practice, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

30 January 2014 - Chair of the session "Cidade e Migrações: exclusões, inclusões, participação" of the International Symposium: "Biografias e(m) migrações: construindo um trabalho em colaboração no contexto português"

27 and 28 November 2 - Commentator of the conference "The imperatives of standardization and (ir) rationality of clinical experience in contemporary medicine," delivered by Hélder Raposo in Cycle IV Annual Young Social Scientists

2023 - Workshop do Grupo Permanente sobre Migração e Etnicidade "Como fazer investigação sobre migração", 13 - 14 de Abril de 2023, Universitat Pompeu Fabra & Online

2023 - Workshop do Grupo Permanente sobre Migração e Etnicidade "Como fazer investigação sobre migração", 13 - 14 de Abril de 2023, Universitat Pompeu Fabra & Online, Evento Híbrido

2018 - Discussant in the Paper Workshop "How can Science and Technology Studies help to reflect on the political crisis associated with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers?"

2018 - Participation in the event `Uma Casa para Todos: Portugal e os Refugiados` (org. Taboo?, Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra).

2015 - Participation in the session "Direitos Humanos e Participação Cívica", Congresso `Integração e Imigração`, Câmara Municipal da Lousã (org.)

2014 - Discussant of the panel session "Young Adults and Diverse Forms of Spatial Mobility in Times of Economic Crisis: Creating Social Cohesion and Innovation or more Inequalities?", in the IMISCOE 11st Annual Conference IMISCOE, Madrid, 27-29 August 2014

2007 - Participation of the "Movement for Citizenship and Responsibility - YES", 2007

20-02-2024 - Moderator of the workshop, organized by the ITM Group (Grupo Inter-Temático de Migrações),"Imigrantes, Golden Visa ou Nómadas Digitais: práticas de inclusão e exclusão no direito migratório português", Emellin de Oliveira (CEDIS, NOVA School of Law)

19th November 2008 - Commentator of the International Colloquium on Challenges to Human Rights and Global Justice: The Fight for Equality and the Recognition of Difference, in the "Right to work with rights", Auditorium of Regents of the University of Coimbra

19 October 2009 - Rapporteur of the Seminar "Health, Gender and Immigration", ed. by GRAAL, Auditorium Nursing School of Coimbra

18 October 2010 - Participation in Panel 1 - "Looks inside the greeting", Seminary - Crossed Glances on the Wave, Auditorium Nursing College of Coimbra

17-09-2024 - Public Roundtable Moderator "How to gather data of failing state's accountability in migration management: experiences and migrants' accounts in Portugal" (with Gaia Giuliani).

16-04-2024 - Moderator of the Seminar, organized by the ITM Group (Grupo Inter-Temático de Migrações), "Detention and deportation of immigrants in Portugal: collective amnesia or a policy of forgetting?", Francesca Esposito (ICS-UL)