Book Chapters

Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), Les nouveaux enjeux du Budget Participatif: un commun pour identifier et défendre d'autres communs?, in Yaëll Emerich (org.), LES COMMUNS URBAINS SAISIS PAR LE DROIT. Montreal: McGill University Press (Forthcoming)

Secchi, Michelangelo; Tomassoni, Franco; Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), Local Best Practices: Urban Governance and the Ongoing Platformization Process, in Sandro Mezzadra, Niccoló Cuppini, Mattia Frapporti, Maurilio Pirone (org.), Capitalism in the Platform Age Emerging Assemblages of Labour and Welfare in Urban Spaces. Springer, 305-331

Allegretti, Giovanni (2024), Uma ponte, duas margens, vários destinos, in SERVIÇO EDUCATIVO DO PORTUGAL DOS PEQUENITOS (org.), Uma ponte, duas margens, vários destinos - Projeto criar com escolas 2021/2022. Coimbra: Fundação Bissaya Barreto, 14-25

Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), De-polarizing civic participation? Lessons from the incomplete experience of Greenland [forthcoming], in Adrian Bua, Sonia Bussu (org.), Reclaiming participatory governance: social movements and the reinvention of democratic innovations. London: Routledge

Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), Hablando de participación: un encuentro de dimensiones subestimadas entorno del corazón de la Agenda 2030, in Jesús Delgado Baena; Juan de Dios García Serrano (org.), Agenda 2030, Derechos Humanos y territorios. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 196-207

Allegretti, Giovanni; Allulli, Massimo (2023), Limits and challenges of citizen participation, in Filipe Teles (org.), Handbook on Local and Regional Governance. Cheltenham and Camberley: Edward Elgar, 184-202

Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), Prefacio, in Romulo Fernando Lemos Gomes (org.), Democracia Digital Popular - Experiências de participação cidadã no Brasil e na Espanha. Multifoco

Allegretti, Giovanni; Meloni, Marco; Dorronsoro, Begoña (2022), Civic Participation as a Travelling Ideoscape Which Direction?, in Sinfree Makoni, Anna Kaiper-Marquez, Lorato Mokwena (org.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and the Global South/s. London: Routledge, 1-14

Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), Coinvolgimento Civico e Participazione Costruttiva, in AAVV (org.), Broken Cities 2022 Città di pochi, città-cemento, città-algoritmo. Milano: Fondazione Feltrinelli, 19-26

Allegretti, Giovanni; Sgueo, Gianluca (2022), Connecting the Dots of an Implicit Agenda: The Case of Participatory Budgeting as a Travelling Policy, in Francesca Gelli, Matteo Basso (org.), Comparative Studies of Political Agendas. Identifying Models of National Urban Agendas. Cham: Palgrave McMillan, 357-385

Allegra, Marco; Tulumello, Simone; Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), Housing Policy in the Political Agenda: The Trajectory of Portugal, in Francesca Gelli, Matteo Basso (org.), Identifying Models of National Urban Agendas. A View to the Global Transition. Cham: Palgrave McMillan, 311-332

Pittella, Giorgio; Allegretti, Giovanni (2022), "Fleeing Ideas" (IIF): reflections on a participatory budget experiment, in Italy's Bollate prison, in Marco Ribeiro Henriques; Ana Guerreiro (org.), Direitos Humanos, Políticas Carcerárias e Concepções de Justiça. Penela: JUS.XXI, 53-65
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Holz, Sheila; Ramos, Alfredo (2021), Conferências e Conselhos Nacionais de Participação: a luta pela sobrevivência num governo autoritário, in Maria Alice Chaves Nunes Costa (org.), Qual o Caminho do Brasil? Instituições, cultura e política no século XXI. Curitiba: Appris, 245-278

Falanga, Roberto; Allegretti, Giovanni (2021), Democracia participativa em tempos de covid-19: a procura de uma nova ritualização., in Luís Filipe Mota Almeida, Manuel Ferreira Ramos e Luís de Sousa (eds.) (org.), Poder local em tempos de Covid-19 Vol.1. A qualidade da democracia local e a governação em tempos de Covid-19. Coimbra: Almedina, 63-95
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Holz, Sheila (2021), Habitar e Participar: quais os desafios para o contexto Portugues?, in Catarina Oliveira, Herminia Gonçalves (org.), O compromisso democrático com a participação cívica em tempos de emergência e reconstrução do novo normal. EAPN, 78-106
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Holz, Sheila; Rodrigues, Nuno (2021), Platform Economy in Lisbon During the Pandemic Emergency: Insights on the Circulation of Policy Ideas, in Spite of the Absence of a Specific Policy, in Osmany Porto de Oliveira (org.), Policy Diffusion: New Constraints, New Realities. São José do Rio Preto: Balão Editorial, 103-130
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Coppola, Alessandro; Gargiulio, Enrico; Saija, Laura; Secchi, Michelangelo; Ostanel, Elena (2021), Sulla partecipazione: strumenti di attivazione e democrazia degli abitanti, in A.Coppola, A.Lanzani, M.Del Fabbro, G.Pessina, F.Zanfi (org.), 3 "Ricomporre i Divari. Politiche e progetti territoriali contro le disuguaglianze e per la transizione ecologica". Bologna: Il Mulino, 151-160

Allegretti, Giovanni; Giacomozzi, Sara (2020), "Construir o rio dos habitantes: a contribuição dos Contratos de Rio (CdR) lida atraves de alguns exemplos", in Peixoto, Paulo (org.), "A ÁGUA COMO PATRIMÓNIO". Coimbra: Almedina

Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), Participação civica, in CES (org.), Palavras para lá da pandemia: cem lados de uma crise.. Coimbra: CES

Spada, Paolo; Allegretti, Giovanni (2020), When Democratic Innovations Integrate Multiple and Diverse Channels of Social Dialogue. Opportunities and Challenges, in Adria, Marco (org.), Using New Media for Citizen Engagement and Participation. Hershey: IGI Global, 35-59

Allegretti, Giovanni; Copello, Kalinca (2019), Все вращается вокруг денег: что нового в партисипаторном бюджетировании и какие возможности открываются сегодня?, in Nelson Dias (org.), Надежда на демократию: 30 лет партисипаторного бюджетирования в мире. Алекс, 32-53
Open Access

Meloni, Marco; Allegretti, Giovanni; Antunes, Sofia (2019), Игровые элементы: методы геймификации в применении партисипаторного бюджетирования, in Nelson Dias (org.), Надежда на демократию: 30 лет партисипаторного бюджетирования в мире. Москва: Алекс, 566-587
Open Access

Stortone, Stefano; Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), Партисипаторное бюджетирование в Италии: навстречу эпохе Возрождения?, in Nelson Dias (org.), Надежда на демократию: 30 лет партисипаторного бюджетирования в мире. Москва: Алекс, 288-309
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), Cities, citizens and demodiversity: an overview of two generations of cities networks, in Hannah Abdullah; Eva Garcia Chueca; Agusti Fernandez de Losada (org.), Rethinking the Ecosystem of International City Networks. Challenges and Opportunities. Barcelona: CIDOB
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni (2019), Prefazione -, in Boaventura De Sousa Santos (org.), Sinistre di tutto il mondo, unitevi!. Roma: Castelvecchi, 5-12

Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), BP vs NPM: deux acronymes, deux mondes opposés ou étroitement liés?, in Nicolas Matyjasik (org.), En finir avec le New Public Management?,. Paris: IGPDE

Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), Cercando radici di futuro? Recupero di memoria di un "sistema partecipativo" incompleto, in Coppola, Alessandro (org.), Roma in transizione: governance, strategie, metabolismi e quadri di vita di una città capitale". Roma: Planum Publisher
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Meloni, Marco (2018), Il Bilancio Partecipativo oggi. Oltre il paradigma del New Public Management., in Di Marco, Carlo; Ricci, Fiammetta (Eds) (org.), "La partecipazione popolare e la crisi della sovranita' nel quadro euro-globale". Roma: Aracne

Ferreira, Isabel; Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), Local Democratic Innovations in Africa: macro-trends in a complex continent, in Elstub, Stephen; Escobar, Oliver (org.), Handbook of Democratic Innovations and Governance. Camberley , Surrey: Edward Elgar Publishing

Stortone, Stefano; Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), Participatory budgeting in Italy. Towards a Renaissance?, in Nelson Dias (org.), Hope for democracy: 30 years of participatory budgeting worldwide. Faro: Epopeia Records, Oficina, 288-309
Open Access

Meloni, Marco; Allegretti, Giovanni; Antunes, Sofia (2018), Participlaying: a reflection on gamification techniques from the standpoint of Participatory Budgeting, in Nelson Dias (org.), Hope for democracy: 30 years of participatory budgeting worldwide. Faro: Epopeia Records, Oficina, 566-587
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), Prefazione, in Bassoli, Matteo (org.), Democrazia diretta. Riflessioni a partire dal bilancio partecipativo. Roma: Aracne, 11-21

Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), Recentering the right to the city in Lisbon Metropolitan area : which post-authoritarian trends in the housing and planning domain, in Nacima Baron; Juan Romero (org.), Cultura territorial e innovacion social. Hacia un nuevo modelço metropolitano en Europa del Sur?. Valencia: PUV Universidad de Valencia, 115-130

Allegretti, Giovanni; Meloni, Marco (2018), Scaling-up Youth Participatory Budgeting in Portugal, in Chawla, Louise (org.), subject of Engaging. Boulder, CO: New Village Press/ New York University Press

Allegretti, Giovanni (2018), When Citizen Participation Unexpectedly Grows in Quality and Quantity: A Side Effect or an Inherent Consequence of "Austeritarian" Approaches?, in David, Isabel (org.), Crisis, Austerity, and Transformation. How Disciplinary Neoliberalism is Changing Portugal. London: Lexington Books, 157-178

Allegretti, Giovanni; Copello, Kalinca (2018), Winding around money issues. What's new in PB and which windows of opportunity are being opened?, in Nelson Dias (org.), Hope for democracy: 30 years of participatory budgeting worldwide. Faro: Epopeia Records, Oficina, 34-53
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), A stone in the pound? Perspectives on the Experience, in Paloscia, Raffaele; Morbidoni, Michele; Spellucci, Simone (org.), Caribbean Unveiled. The caritalents youth and territory project in Barbados and Dominica. Florence, Italy: Didapress, 239-249

Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), Cuidar das percepções dos participantes para desencadear um círculo virtuoso, in Tedeschi, Stefano; Surian, Alessio (org.), Antología del pensamiento social italiano sobre América Latina. Buenos Aires: FLACSO, 335-364
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), Incentivare la partecipazione cittadina in un'epoca di populismi: alcuni esempi internazionali per pensare all'attivazione di circoli virtuosi, in Murilo Gaspardo (org.), Globalização e os fundamentos da cidadania. São Paulo: Alameda, 33-76

Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), Los procesos de participacion e inovacion tecnologica: la busqueda de nuevas formas de empatia, in Manuel Rodaño Gonzales; Ana Rioja Ulgar (org.), Localizar los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Gobiernos y actores locales y provinciales en la implementacion de la Agenda 2030. Una mirada desde Andalucia. Sevilla: FAMSI, 70-76
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Hartz-Karp, Janette (2017), Participatory Budgeting: a methodological approach to address sustainability challenges, in Janette Hartz-Karp and Dora Marinova (org.), Leading edge methods to resolve sustainability challenges: more sustainable settlements, economies, resource use, communities and governance. Cheltenham Glos (UK) and Northampton (US): Edward Elgar Publishing
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Secchi, Michelangelo; Tang, Audrey (2016), ESCALAS HÍBRIDAS DE ENGAJAMENTO SOCIAL: COMO A INTEGRAÇÃO DE TECNOLOGIAS PODE AMPLIAR OS PROCESSOS PARTICIPATIVOS?, in Renato Balbim (org.), Geopolítica das cidades: velhos desafios, novos problemas. Brasilia: IPEA, 213-246
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Secchi, Michelangelo; Tang, Audrey (2016), Hybrid Scales of Citizen Engagement: how technological integration can scale-up participatory processes?, in Renato Balbim (org.), The Geopolitics of Cities: Old Challenges, New Issues. Brasilia: IPEA, 211-242
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Spada, Paolo (2016), Integrating Multiple Channels of Engagement in Democratic Innovations: Opportunities and Challenges, in Marco Adria and Yuping Mao (org.), Handbook of Research on Citizen Engagement and Public Participation in the Era of New Media. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global, 20-37
DOI Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), O peso dos espaços: imaginando politicas publicas partilhadas através de uma oficina biográfica sobre alojamento estudantil, in Elsa Lechner (org.), Rostos, Vozes e Silêncios. Uma pesquisa biográfica colaborativa com imigrantes em Portugal. Coimbra: Almedina, 211-242

Allegretti, Giovanni (2015), Recuperare il proprio bagaglio? L'imperativo di una vita in viaggio, in Alessandro Balducci e Luca Gaeta (org.), L'Urbanistica Italiana nel mondo. Roma: Donzelli, 67-78

Allegretti, Giovanni; de Carvalho, Lidiane Elisuete (2015), Sustentar a sustentabilidade: o Direito e a promoção da participação em Portugal, in Alexandra Aragão; Gisela Maria Bester; Gloriete Marques Alves Hilário (org.), Direito e ambiente para uma democracia sustentável. Diálogos multidisciplinares entre Portugal e Brasil. Curitiba: Editora Instituto Memória, 303-354

Allegretti, Giovanni; Falanga, Roberto (2015), Women in Budgeting: A Critical Assessment of Participatory Budgeting Experiences, in Allegretti, Giovanni; Falanga, Roberto (org.), SpringerBriefs in Environment, Security, Development and Peace. Gender Responsive and Participatory Budgeting. Springer Science + Business Media, 33-53
DOI Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias, Nelson (2015), "Participação e cidadania", in António Tavares, Luís de Sousa, Nuno Cruz, Susana Jorge (org.), A Reforma do Poder Local em Debate. Lisboa: ICS - Imprensa de Ciencias Sociais

Allegretti, Giovanni; Langlet, Lena (2014), Participatory Budgeting in Sweden: telling a story in slowmotion, in Dias, Nelson (org.), Hope for Democracy 25 YEARS OF PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING WORLDWIDE. S. Brás de Alportel: In Loco, 353-368
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Stortone, Stefano (2014), Participatory Budgets in Italy: Reconfiguring a collapsed panorama, in Dias, Nelson (org.), Hope for Democracy 25 YEARS OF PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING WORLDWIDE. S. Brás de Alportel: In Loco, 313-324
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), Participatory democracies: a slow march toward new paradigms?, in Lieberherr-Gardiol, F. and Solinis, G. (org.), Which cities for the XXI century?. Chicoutini: CEGEP/Université du Québec, 1-46
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), Paying attention to the participants perceptions in order to trigger a virtuous circle, in Dias, Nelson (org.), Hope for Democracy 25 YEARS OF PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING WORLDWIDE. S. Brás de Alportel: In Loco, 47-64
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Mbera, Emmy (2014), PB and the budget process in the south Kivu Province, in Dias, Nelson (org.), Hope for Democracy 25 YEARS OF PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING WORLDWIDE. S. Brás de Alportel: In Loco, 107-126
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Spada, Paolo (2014), The Role of Redundancy and Diversification In Multi-Channel Democratic Innovations, in Olafsson, J. (org.), Lýðræðistilraunir: Ísland í kreppu og endurreisn (in English: Experiments in Democracy: Iceland in Crisis and Recovery)... Reyikjavik: University of Iceland University Press

Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), "Budget Participatif", in CASILLO, Ilaria (dir.) com Rémi Barbier, Loïc Blondiaux, Francis Chateauraynaud, Jean-Michel Fourniau, Rémi Lefebvre, Catherine Neveu et Denis Salles, (org.), Dictionnaire critique et interdisciplinaire de la participation. Paris: GIS Démocratie et Participation,

Allegretti, Giovanni; Stortone, Stefano (2013), Os OP em Itália reconfigurando um panorama desmoronado, in Nelson Dias (org.), Esperança Democratica. 25 anos de orçamentos participativos no mundo. S. Brás de Alportel: In-Loco, 311-322

Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), Cuidar das percepções dos participantes para desencadear um círculo virtuoso, in Nelson Dias (org.), Esperança Democratica. 25 anos de orçamentos participativos no mundo. S. Brás de Alportel: In-Loco, 45-62

Allegretti, Giovanni (2013), Os orçamentos participativos sabem escutar? Reflexões para reforçar a sustentabilidade dos orçamentos participativos, in Lima, K., Boson, C (org.), "Orçamento Participativo olhares e perspetivas",. S. Paulo: Paulo Freire Editora

Allegretti, Giovanni; Barca, Stefania; Fernandes, Lúcia (2013), Re‑semantizing Sustainability through Creative Agricultural Practices in the Urban Milieu, in Duxbury, Nancy (org.), Animation of Public Space through the Arts: Toward More Sustainable Communities. Coimbra: Almedina. Coimbra: Almedina, 187-208
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Mbera, Emmy (2013), "OP e processo orçamental na Província do Kivu Sul", in Nelson Dias (org.), Esperança Democratica. 25 anos de orçamentos participativos no mundo. S. Brás de Alportel: In-Loco

Allegretti, Giovanni; Langlet, Lena (2013), "Orçamento Participativo na Suécia: uma história contada em câmara lenta", in Nelson Dias (org.), Esperança Democratica. 25 anos de orçamentos participativos no mundo. S. Brás de Alportel: In-Loco, 351-363

Allegretti, Giovanni; Sintomer, Yves; Herzberg, Carsten; Röcke, Anja (2012), Transnationale Modelle der Bürgerbeteiligung:Bürgerhaushalte als Beispiel, in Carsten Herzberg, Heinz Kleger, Yves Sintomer (org.), "Hoffnung auf eine neue Demokratie". Campus, 27-60
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), Démocraties participatives : une marche lente vers de nouveaux paradigmes du Brésil en Europe ?, in Françoise LIEBERHERR-GARDIOL; Germain SOLINIS (org.), Quelles villes pour le 21e siècle?. Gollion: In-folio, 181-224

Allegretti, Giovanni (2012), Participatory Budgeting and Social Justice -Implications of Some Cases in Spain and Italy, in Rudolf Traub-Merz, Yves Sintomer and Junhua Zhang (org.), Participatory Budgeting in Asia and Europe Key Challenges of Participation. Basingstoke (UK): Pagrave-McMillan

Allegretti, Giovanni; Lopes Alves, Mariana (2011), Evaluar a los Presupuestos Participativos: un ejercicio dinâmico, in Andrés Falck; Pablo Paño (org.), Democracia Paricipativa y Presupuestos Participativos: Acercamiento y Profundización sobre el debate actual. Malaga: CEDMA, 199-214
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), Los Presupuestos Participativos en África y Asia: Experiencias "híbridas" y espurias externas a Europa y América Latina, in Andrés Falck; Pablo Paño (org.), Democracia Paricipativa y Presupuestos Participativos: Acercamiento y Profundización sobre el debate actual. Malaga: CEDMA, 341-360
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), Medborgarbudget - ett bidrag från det södra halvklotet, in AA.VV. (org.), Medborgarbudget i Sverige, Europa och Världen. Stockholm: SKL

Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), « Le processus « d'économie participative » de la région Lazio. Quand l'expérimentation devient le symbole d'une gestion politique »,, in Yves sintomer and Julien Talpin (org.), LA DÉMOCRATIE PARTICIPATIVE AU-DELÀ DE LA PROXIMITÉ,. Rennes: Ed. Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 145-159

Jerez, Ariel; Ramos, Alfredo; Allegretti, Giovanni (2011), «¿Con voz pero sin voto?: Movimientos sociales y lobbys en los desarrollos recientes de la gobernanza europea», in Nicolás Sartorius, Alfonso Egea y Javier Ramos (org.), Informe sobre el Estado del proceso de Integración Europeo 2011. El año de la gran prueba. Madrid: Fundación Alternativas, 35-48
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Munafó, Michele (2010), Accesso alle informazioni e partecipazione ai processi decisionali, in Michele Munafó (org.), RAPPRESENTARE IL TERRITORIO E L'AMBIENTE. Acireale/Roma: Bonanno Editore, 147-166

Allegretti, Giovanni (2010), Europa e Democrazia Partecipativa: dagli attuali limiti alle opportunità per il futuro, in Vallinoto, N., Vannuccini S. (org.), Europa 2.0. Verona: Ombre Corte, 30-43

Allegretti, Giovanni (2010), Os Orçamentos Participativos na Italia: inovações dentro de um quadro em rápida transformação, in Schettini Martins Cunha, E. e Moreira da Silva E. (org.), Experiencias Internacionais de Participação. São Paulo: CORTEZ/UFMG, 67-110

Allegretti, Giovanni (2010), Stärkung der Demokratie durch Kooperation: Beispiel Portugal und Kapverdische Inseln, in AA.VV: (org.), Internationaler Kongress zu Modellen des Bürgerhaushalts. Dokumentation - Dialog Global, n. 24 (German and English versions). Bonn: InWent/Giz/BPB, 87-88

Allegretti, Giovanni (2010), When urban space becomes a metaphor for political change: the reconquest of territory in the Carnide/Luz Urbanisation Plan in Lisbon, in PELUCCA B. (org.), (org.), "Journey to Portugal. Inside and outside the territories of architecture

Allegretti, Giovanni (2010), "Internationale Kooperationsnetzwerke zum Bürgerhaushalt. Möglichkeiten der Kooperation für Kommunen", in AA.VV. (org.), Internationaler Kongress zu Modellen des Bürgerhaushalts. Dokumentation - Dialog Global, n. 24 (German and English version). Bonn: InWent/Giz/BPB, 66-70

Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias, Nelson (2009), "The variable geometry of Participatory Budgeting: which lessons from the new Portuguese explosion?", in Daniel Schugurensky (org.), Proceedings of the Conference "Learning Democracy by Doing: Alternative Practices in Citizenship Learning and Participatory Democracy". Toronto: OISE
Open Access

Allegretti, Giovanni; Cellamare, Carlo; Uttaro, Anna (2009), (fortcoming) "Trois parcours participatifs a Rome", in Marie-Hélène Bacqué et Yves Sintomer (org.), La démocratie participative : histoires et Généalogies. Paris: ADELS

Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), xxx, in Marie-Hélène Bacqué et Yves Sintomer (org.), XXX

Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), "Partecipazione", in Alessandro Bosi, Marco Deriu, Vincenza Pellegrino (org.), Il dolce avvenire. Esercizi di immaginazione radicale del presente. Reggio Emilia: Diabasis

Allegretti, Giovanni; Jing, Yi; McKay, James (2008), Gathering memories at the battlefront:, in Libby Porter e Kate Shaw (org.), Whose Urban Renaissance?. Londres: Routledge

Allegretti, Giovanni; Cellamare, Carlo (2008), The ambiguous Renaissance of Rome, in Libby Porter e Kate Shaw (org.), Whose Urban Renaissance?. Londres: Routledge

Allegretti, Giovanni (2008), "Los Presupuestos Participativos en Italia: ¿Qué desafíos y que límites marcan la segunda y la tercera generación de experiencias?", in Joaquim Recio e Andres Falck (org.), Presupuestos Participativos: nuevos territórios. Sevilha: Atrapasueños

Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), Cuales resultados se han alcanzado y cuales se pueden alcanzar, in Giovanni Allegretti (org.), EL PRESUPUESTO PARTICIPATIVO COMO INSTRUMENTO DE LUCHA CONTRA LA EXCLUSION SOCIAL Y TERRITORIAL. ESTUDIOS DE BUENAS PRACTICAS. Veneza: URBAL/Comune di Venezia/Progetto INCLUIR, 10-23
Open Access

Mercato, Andrea Del; Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), Introducción, in Giovanni Allegretti (org.), EL PRESUPUESTO PARTICIPATIVO COMO INSTRUMENTO DE LUCHA CONTRA LA EXCLUSION SOCIAL Y TERRITORIAL. ESTUDIOS DE BUENAS PRACTICAS. Veneza: URBAL/Comune di Venezia/Progetto INCLUIR, 7-9

Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), Reti nazionali e reti internazionali: quali nuove sfide per la Provincia?, in Guido Milani (org.), La partecipazione in provincia di Milano. Milano: Provincia di Milano, 52-60

Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), Teorie ed esperienze di riprogettazione territorieale partecipata con gli abitanti: dal consenso alla condivisione, in Marina Bertoncin e Andrea Pase (org.), Territorialitá: Necessitá di regole condivise e nuovi vissuti territoriali. Milano: FrancoAngeli, 67-103

Allegretti, Giovanni (2007), Territori in Cammino: Democrazia Partecipativa, Pacificazione e Accerchiamento Dell'illegalitá, in Giorgio Montagnoli (org.), Difendere, difendersi: rapporto 2005. Pisa: Edizioni Plus, 287-324

Allegretti, Giovanni (2006), I bilanci partecipativi e la strategia della citta'-tenda, in Fabio Mazzocchio (org.) (org.), Ripartire dalla citta'. La politica luogo di profezia e speranza. Roma: AVE

Allegretti, Giovanni (2006), Participation: how?, in URBACT - Equipe of the "Participando Project" (org.), European Handbook for Participation (English and French version). Roma/Paris: Comune di Roma/Secretariat de URBACT

Allegretti, Giovanni (2005), Il nuovo Municipalismo come luogo di riscoperta dei beni comuni, in Mario Bertin e Carlo Nicolais (org.), Da dove ricominciare? La cultura della città aperta e la crisi della politica. Florença: Cittá Aperta Edizioni, 91-122

Allegretti, Giovanni (2005), Participatory Budgets in Italy, in Y. Sintomer, C. Herzberg, A. Röcke (org.), Participatory budgets in a european comparative approach. Perspectives and chances of the cooperative state at the municipal level in Germany and Europe. Berlim: Centro Marc Bloch, 0

Allegretti, Giovanni (2004), Bricolage urbani nello spazio-tempo: uno sguardo alle geografie queer, in G. Paba e C. Perrone (org.), Cittadinanza attiva. Florença: Alinea, 137-158

Allegretti, Giovanni (2004), Urban transgression beyond the geography of transgressive spaces, in Raffaele Paloscia - INURA (org.), The Contested Metropolis: six cities at the beginning of the 21st century. Basel: Birkhauser

Alfonsin, Betania; Allegretti, Giovanni (2003), Dalla 'gestione consensuale' alla 'riprogettazione condivisa' del territorio, in D. Della Porta; L. Mosca (org.), Globalizzazione e Movimenti Sociali. Roma: Manifestolibri, 121-153

Allegretti, Giovanni (2003), Elogio dell'intelligenza sociale, in Boaventura de Sousa Santos (org.), Democratizzare la democrazia. Troina: Cittá Aperta, 3-18

Allegretti, Giovanni (2002), (Secção) - Atlante di voci - Storie, in Giancarlo Paba (org.), Insurgent City. Racconti e geografie di un'altra Firenze. Livorno: Mediaprint, 132-183

Allegretti, Giovanni (2002), Fatti, non parole! Sindaci a confronto con la democrazia diretta, in C.Jampaglia, T.Bendinelli (org.), Porto Alegre. O Fórum social Mundial. Bolonha: Feltrinelli

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