
Current research interests

Administration of justice

Prison system

Social politics

Administration of the courts

Justice reform

Judicial Cooperation

Judicial policies

Public policy

Research Projects

2024 - 2026 - "FAIR - EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Awareness raising and Instrument to Promote a Culture of Rights", coordinated by Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, sponsored by Comissão Europeia.

2024 - 2024 - "Courtrooms of the future: from management to technological solutions and the functional capacity of courtrooms", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministry of Justice (Portugal).

2023 - 2026 - "Support to Combat Corruption in Mozambique", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by European Union and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation .

2023 - 2024 - "Monitorization and evaluation of the electronic case assignment", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministry of Justice (Portugal).

2022-12 - 2026-12 - "FRANET - Multidisciplinary research network - - Data collection and research on fundamental right issues on the national level for Lot 22 - Portugal", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.

2022 - 2025 - "Evaluation of reforms in administrative and tax justice in Portugal", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministry of Justice (Portugal).

2022 - 2023 - "Study on working conditions, professional burnout and well-being of Portuguese judges", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Supreme Court of Justice, Appeal Court of Coimbra, Appeal Court of Évora, Appeal Court of Guimarães, Appeal Court of Lisbon, Appeal Court of Oporto, High Council of the Judiciary and Portuguese Judges Union Association (Portugal).

2022 - 2023 - "Study on working conditions, professional burnout, health and well-being of Portuguese public prosecutor", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Prosecutors General's Office and the Public Prosecutors' Trade Union (Portugal) .

2021-12-24 - 2022-01-30 - "Modernising The Justice System in Portugal", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Organism for Economic Co-operation and Development.

2020 - 2022 - "JUDICON-EU - Judicial Constraints on Legislatures in Europe", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by National University of Public Service / Centre for Social Sciences Budapest.

2020 - 2021 - "Evaluative study on the impact of measures applied to offenders in domestic violence cases", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by EEA Grants - Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021 .

2020 - 2020 - "Evaluation of blockages to access to justice in civil and commercial matters in Mozambique", in partnership with the Mozambican Judges Association", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by FAN Foundation .

2019 - 2022 - "FRANET (multidisciplinary research network)", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.

2019 - 2020 - "Study on socio-professional conditions and the application of the Prison Guard Corps Statute", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministry of Justice (Portugal).

2019 - 2019 - "Towards Smart and Innovative Justice in Portugal: Fostering Inclusive Growth", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico.

2018 - 2021 - "QUALIS: Quality of Justice in Portugal! Impact of working conditions on the professional performance of judges and public prosecutors", coordinated by João Paulo Dias, sponsored by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

2018 - 2019 - "Study on access to justice and functional performance of courts in Mozambique", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by MASC Foundation (Civil Society Support Mechanism) .

2017 - 2022 - "Meetings of knowledge and sharing of experiences and good practices" and "Seminars on the mechanisms of cooperation and global governance established by international organizations", within the PACED - Project to Support the Consolidation of the Rule of Law in the PALOP and East Timor", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by European Union and the Institute for Cooperation and Language, I.P. (Portugal) (.

2017 - 2020 - "Policies to support military and former military personnel and/or chronic psychological disorders resulting from exposure to stress in a military context", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Defense Ministry (Portugal).

2017 - 2019 - "ACURIA - Analysis of company restructuring and insolvency processes: good practices, obstacles and opportunities for improvement", coordinated by Catarina Frade, sponsored by European Commission.
    Project Partnership:

2016 - 2018 - "Charter of fundamental rights of the European "in action"", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by European Commission, through the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers .

2016 - 2017-07 - "Study on the Courts in East Timor", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Commission for Legislative and Justice Sector Reform (of East Timor) .

2016 - 2017 - "The efficiency of Portuguese Administrative and Tax Courts", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministry of Justice (Portugal).

2014 - 2015 - "Justice on appeal", in partnership with the Faculty of Law of the Agostinho Neto University", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Angola) .

2013 - 2014 - "For a new geography of justice. Proposal of the Draft Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Judicial Courts of Common Jurisdiction", in partnership with the Faculty of Law of the Agostinho Neto University", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Angola) (.

2013 - 2014 - "Women in the judiciary in Portugal: paths, experiences and representations", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) .

2013 - 2013 - "Evaluative study of judicial decisions on domestic violence", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG) (Portugal).

2013 - 2013 - "Towards a strategic program for the reform of justice in Angola", in partnership with the Faculty of Law of the Agostinho Neto University", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Angola) (.
    Project Partnership:
              - Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Agostinho Neto

2013 - 2013 - ""Building Interoperability for European Civil Proceedings on Line" no âmbito do Projecto de investigação "Interoperability for European civil procedings"", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Comissão Europeia.

2012 - 2014 - "Organized civil society and the courts. Lisbon, Luanda, Maputo and São Paulo", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) .

2012 - 2014 - "The fight against trafficking in human beings in EU: promoting legal cooperation and victim's protection", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Comissão Europeia.

2012 - 2014 - "Tráfico de Seres Humanos para Exploração Laboral: desafio(s) ao(s) Direito(s)", coordinated by Cecilia Santos, sponsored by Fundacão para a Ciência e Tecnologia.

2011 - 2012 - "Menu for Justice. Toward a European Curriculum Studiorum on Judicial Studies", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Comissão Europeia .

2011 - 2012 - "Towards a Criminal Policy in Angola. Proposal of the Draft Law of Criminal Policy", in partnership with the Faculty of Law of the Agostinho Neto University", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Angola) .

2010 - 2013 - " A sociedade civil organizada e os tribunais: a mobilização do direito e da justiça em Lisboa, Luanda, Maputo e São Paulo ", coordinated by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, sponsored by FCT.

2010 - 2013 - "Building Interoperability for European Civil Proceedings on Line ", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Comissão Europeia.

2010 - 2010 - "PJustice of Proximity: the Courts of Peace in Angola. Proposal of the Preliminary Draft Law of the Courts of Peace", in partnership with the Faculty of Law of the Agostinho Neto Uni", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Angola) .

2010 - 2010 - "The judicial system and the challenges of social complexity: new paths for the recruitment and training of judges and public prosecutors", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministry of Justice (Portugal).

2010 - 2010 - "The new legal regime for divorce under evaluation", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministry of Justice (Portugal).

2009 - 2010 - "Avaliação do I Plano Nacional Contra o Tráfico de Seres Humanos (I PNCTSH)", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género.

2009 - 2010 - "Entre a Lei e a prática. Subsídios para uma reforma da Lei Tutelar Educativa", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça.

2009 - 2010 - "Management in the courts. A look at the experience of the pilot districts", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministry of Justice (Portugal).

2009 - 2010 - "The Portuguese Cooperation in the Justice Sector (2000-2009) in Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP)", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Institute for Cooperation and Language, I.P (of Portugal) .

2008 - 2010 - "The European Arrest Warrant in law and in pratice: a comparative study for the consolidation of the European law-enforcement area", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by União Europeia .

2007 - 2009 - "A indemnização do corpo e da vida na lei e nas decisões judiciais .", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by FCT.

2007 - 2009 - "do Programa de Monitorização sobre a reforma dos Códigos Penal e de Processo Penal", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça .

2007 - 2009 - "Pluralidade de Ordens Jurídicas e Sistemas de Justiça em Luanda/Angola ", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Governo de Angola .

2007 - 2008 - "estudos no âmbito da execução do contrato celebrado entre o CES e o PNUD de apoio à criação do Observatório da Justiça Brasileiro. ", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by PNUD.

2007 - 2008 - ""Medidas e mecanismos de gestão processual nos tribunais", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça .

2007 - 2007 - "As parcerias público-privadas na justiça ", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça .

2006 - 2007 - "A avaliação da Acção Executiva ", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça .

2006 - 2007 - ""Tráfico de Mulheres para fins de Exploração Sexual em Portugal.", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by CIDM.

2005 - 2006 - "A Reforma do Mapa Judiciário ", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça .

2005 - 2006 - "Modelos de gestão e organização dos tribunais", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça .

2003 - 2004 - "Os caminhos difíceis da "Nova" Justiça Tutelar Educativa. Uma avaliação de dois anos de aplicação da Lei Tutelar Educativa", as coordinator researcher.

2002 - 2003 - "Correspondente em Portugal da missão do projecto sobre a administração da justiça na Europa e avaliação da sua qualidade, coordenado pela Mission de Recherche Droit e Justice de la Commission des Communautés Européennes. ", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Comissão Europeia .

2002 - 2003 - "Investigadora do Projecto de Investigação, "International comparative study into the organization of national judicial systems", coordenado pelo Institute of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Utrech University. ", coordinated by Philip Langreboek , sponsored by Ministério da Justiça, Holanda .

2002 - 2003 - "Os custos da fé pública. Um estudo sobre o impacto social do novo regime emolumentar dos registos e notariado", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça.

2002 - 2003 - "Os serviços prisionais e o sistema de reinserção social", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça.

2002 - 2002 - "Uma reforma da justiça civil em avaliação. A adopção: os bloqueios de um processo administrativo e jurídico complexo", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça.

2001 - 2002 - "As Reformas processuais e a criminalidade na década de 90 - as formas especiais de processo e a suspensão provisória do processo: problemas e bloqueios", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça.

2001 - 2002 - "As Tendências da criminalidade e das sanções penais na década de 90 - problemas e bloqueios na execução da pena de prisão e da prestação de trabalho a favor da comunidade", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça.

2001 - 2002 - "Os Tribunais e o território: um contributo para o debate sobre a reforma de organização judiciária em Portugal", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça.

2000 - 2001 - "A Administração e gestão da justiça - análise comparada das tendências de reforma", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça.

2000 - 2001 - "O Recrutamento e a formação de magistrados: uma proposta de renovação - análise comparada de sistemas e do discurso judiciário em Portugal", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça.

1999 - 2000 - "Conflito e transformação social: uma paisagem das justiças em Moçambique", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.

1999 - 1999 - "Bloqueios ao andamento dos processos e propostas de solução", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça.

1998 - 1999 - "Porquê tão lentos? três casos especiais de morosidade na administração da justiça", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça.

1998 - 1998 - "A justiça civil e penal", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Ministério da Justiça.