Rita Alcaire


Anthropologist and documentary filmmaker. She is developing a post-doctoral project entitled ENGAGE - Promoting gender equality and social justice through social science communication and transmedia storytelling. Researcher in the UnCoveR - Sexual Violence in Portuguese Mediascape (2023-2026) project. She integrates the Democracy, Justice and Human Rights Research Group, the Research Group on Sexualities, and the Citizen Science and Education Working Group. With more than two decades of experience using audiovisual methodologies and arts-based research, her research interests centre on the study of gender and sexualities, mental health, and pop culture and on expanding the relationship between theory and practice of science communication and social sciences. She holds a Ph.D. in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies (CES/III, 2019), Master in Cultural Psychiatry (FMUC, 2011). Has been part of national (Ouvir Vozes, MyGender, Equal.STEAM) and European (CILIA LGBTQI+, KINDER and REMO) projects as a researcher and consultant, invited lecturer at the MA and Ph.D. level in (mental) health, media and communication and contemporary studies, organized advanced training for postgraduate students and early career researchers on mental health in academia and social science communication and promoted outreach activities for different non-academic audiences.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Alcaire, Rita; Flores, Ana Marta Moreira; Antunes, Eduardo (2024), "Beyond Words: Tapping the Potential of Digital Diaries While Exploring Young Adults' Experiences on Apps", Societies, 14, 3

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Book Chapter

Alcaire, Rita (2024), Sexualidades, Identidades de Género e Interfaces, in Inês Amaral, Ana Marta M. Flores e Eduardo Antunes (org.), Apps e Jovens Adultos: Contributos para um Mapeamento de Práticas Mediadas. UMinho Editora/CECS, 41-55

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Book Chapter

Alcaire, Rita (2023), Identidades e Sexualidades: acolher e celebrar a diversidade na escola, in Tatiana Moura (org.), KINDER - Desconstrução de estereótipos desde a infância. Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Sociais, 67-87

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