ECOSOL - Economia Solidária

Seminar #16 | «Deconfined Talks»

Cultural Agents and institutions: reinventing and reconnecting with society

Lorena Sancho Querol

Luciane Lucas dos Santos

Paula Sequeiros

October 20, 2020, 16h00 (GMT +01:00)

Online event

Comments: Giuseppina Raggi e Mauro Costa Couceiro (CES)

Sixteenth session of the open access online seminar series «Deconfined talks»

Paula Sequeiros - Moments of deep crisis can clarify issues and conflicts that are central to the working and living conditions of those who are agents of culture as a form of work. What drives creation, for whom, how this work is created and communicated can be approached in these contexts in an enriching way. The time and space of confinement have reconfigured the creative processes. The aim is to listen to and debate creative narratives, to understand changes, to question uncertainties and possibilities;

Lorena Sancho Querol - In a situation of pandemic, recollection and social metamorphosis in which we live, culture, its institutions and its agents can and must reposition themselves as useful tools for new social dynamics. What place and what role can culture develop to help root communities in their place of life? How can museums reinvent themselves in their socio-cultural function with social distance? Can we talk about a "museology of proximity" or a micro-scale museology, tailored to communities and people, their desires, needs and dreams, rather than a museology of large numbers?

Luciane Lucas dos Santos - We have seen monuments being questioned and even overthrown because of the colonial and racist narrative that they evoke and naturalise in Europe and the United States. Starting from the concept of a subaltern aesthetic, we propose a reflection about: anti-racist and anti-colonial perspectives, including in museums; outlines of what could be a postcolonial museology and contributions to more polyphonic narratives and to greater cognitive justice; contributions of this aesthetic to oxygenate the scene of cultural production and the creative and dissemination processes.

The open access «Deconfined Talks» seminars focus on the pandemic, its implications on the multiple dimensions that concern the CES community, among others topics currently worth discussing. 


This activity will be accessible through the Zoom platform and will be limited to number of available places:

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Online open access activities such as this one do not grant a declaration of participation since such document will only be provided in events that provide for prior registration and controlled access.

Online Seminar Series

Deconfined Talks