ECOSOL - Economia Solidária

Seminar #9 | «Deconfined Talks»

What will I do when everything burns down? Diversity and caring relationships in people over 60

Ana Cristina Santos (CES)

September 1, 2020, 16h00 (GMT +01:00)

Evento em formato digital

Comments by Cecília MacDowell Santos (CES/USF)  and  Susana de Noronha (CES)

The ninth session of the «Deconfined Talks» debate series will reflect on aging, diversity and care from the concept of "risk group". Data from the European project CILIA LGBTQI+ show that the population over 60 is particularly vulnerable to cumulative discrimination processes. This vulnerability is associated with situations of isolation, illness, economic fragility and the absence of care networks, factors that take on specific outlines in times of crisis, requiring appropriate responses.

The open access «Deconfined Talks» seminars focus on the pandemic, its implications on the multiple dimensions that concern the CES community, among others topics currently worth discussing.


This activity will be accessible through the Zoom platform and will be limited to number of available places:

We appreciate that all participants keep the microphone muted until the moment(s) of debate. The host of the session reserves the right to expel the participant who does not respect the rules of the room.

Online open access activities such as this one do not grant a declaration of participation since such document will only be provided in events that provide for prior registration and controlled access.


Online Seminar Series

Deconfined Talks