ECOSOL - Economia Solidária


The multiple faces of the Solidarity Economy in Portugal: a debate from grassroots initiatives

October 1, 2016, 09h00

Keynes Hall, Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra


9:30h - Opening - RedPES and Ecosol-CES

10:00h -  Some previous issues about  Solidarity Economy in Portugal- Pedro Hespanha (Ecosol-CES) and Luciane Lucas dos Santos (Ecosol-CES, UFSB)

11:00h - Discussion

11:45h - Break

Forms of Solidarity Economy in Portugal 

12:00h - Colectives of production, consumption, comercilasation and credit  - Andrés Spognardi (Ecosol-CES)
• Cooperative Terra Chã

12:40h - Economy of commons - José Castro Caldas (CES)
• Baldio de Villarinho, Lousã

13:20h - Lunch break

14:30h - Cooperative ECG Braga

15:00h - Economy of proximity  - Eber Hernandez (Ecosol-CES) and Teresa Cunha (Ecosol-CES)
• Cooperativa Integral Minga, Montermor-o-Novo
• Associação RDA, Regueirão dos Anjos, Lisbon
• Movimento de Transição, Lisbon

16:40h - Pausa

17:00h - Solidarity finances - Luciane Lucas dos Santos (Ecosol-CES e UFSB) and Beatriz Caitana (Ecosol-CES)

• Mercearia Comunitas, Fundão

17:40h - Q&A on unifomity and diversity of SE  – moderator Rogério Roque Amaro (ISCTE)

18:40h - Closing – Ecosol-CES e RedPes