ECOSOL - Economia Solidária


The multiple faces of the Solidarity Economy in Portugal: a debate from grassroots initiatives

October 1, 2016, 09h00

Keynes Hall, Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra


At a time when the RedPES is taking its first steps, opening a debate on the diversity of forms Solidarity Economy (SE) takes in Portugal seems fitting. This seminar intends to dialogue on the acknowledgment of Solidarity Economy in the country and the progress regarding its acknowledgment.  The diversity of forms and semantics requires the identification of similarities and differences compared to the other community and social economic experiences. The aim is to also discuss the relationship of the grassroots initiatives with the State and the market, and how it can contribute or not to their autonomy and continuity. The seminar’s programme is designed to encourage organisations that integrate RedPES contribute with their own experience to clarify what is Solidarity Economy in Portugal. Case studies related to collective production, consumption, marketing and credit, the economy of the commons, the economy of proximity and solidarity finance will be presented.

Admission limited to a maximum of 70 people. Previous registration through is recommended



Organisers: Grupo de Estudos em Economia Solidária (Ecosol/CES), in partnership with Rede Portuguesa de Economia Solidária (RedPes)