Debate | Great Controversies in Political Economy | 2022

Which models of organisational management promote democratic participation?

Helena Lopes

Sílvia Ferreira

May 19, 2022, 18h00 (GMT+1)

Online event

Bio notes of the speakers 

Helena Lopes (DINÂMIA’CET-ISCTE) - Helena Lopes holds a PhD from Université Paris I - Sorbonne. She is Full Professor at the Departmente of Poltical Economy at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and senior researcher at DINÂMIA’CET-IUL. She coordinates several interdisciplinary projects for national and international public entities, including projects funded by the European Union Framework Programmes. Helena Lopes has articles published in several international economy journals, including Journal of Economic Issues, Journal of Institutional Economics, Economic and Industrial Democracy, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Review of Social Economy.

Sílvia Ferreira (FEUC-CES) – Sílvia Ferreira is assistant professor in Sociology at the Faculty of Economics of Coimbra University, researcher at the Centre for Social Studies and at the Center for Cooperative and Social Economy Studies of the Faculty of Economics.  She has been involved in research on social security reform, third sector and social policy, gender equality in third sector organisations, social entrepreneurship and social innovation in the social and solidarity economy, social enterprises, volunteering and local governance through state/third sector partnerships. Her basic interest has been the evolving nature of the welfare state and of the welfare mixes, more recently, from a sociological standpoint based on complex social systems approaches. Her extension work focuses the relation between the university and society, particularly the third sector/social economy.


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