
Contemporary Challenges and Dynamics of Administrative and Tax Justice

November 2023 - July 2024 | Online



1st Seminar | Judicial advisors in Europe: a comparative discussion
30 November 2023; 15h30; online

Luca Verzelloni, Universitá degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Anne Sanders, Universität Bielefeld
José Coelho, North Central Administrative Court
Moderator: Paula Fernando, CES/OPJ

2nd Seminar | Experiences of reforms of the Administrative Justice System in Europe
23 May 2024, 14h30, online

Karine Gilberg | Université Paris Nanterre
Juan Ramón Fernández Torres | Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Joris Van der Voet | Universidade de Leiden
Commentator: Pedro Marchão Marques | Juiz Conselheiro, STA


3rd Seminar | Transparency and Evaluation in Justice Systems: the role of statistical indicators
date to be defined