Workshop | Gender Workshop Series XIII

Feminist Talk with Natalia Andújar

April 27, 2023, 18h00

Room 2, CES | Alta



ATTENTION, for logistical reasons, this workshop stars at 06:00pm ]


The Gender Workshop proposes to continue the “Feminist Interviews” with people from different areas of intervention and work in the field of gender equality and women's dignity and wellbeing in Portugal and Spain.The interviews will allow us to map relevant work carried out in our country and in the neighbouring country, not only in the academy, in the sciences, but also in activism, the arts, care, work, trade unionism, etc.In this interview, we will meet Natalia Andújar, Islamic feminist from Spain, interviewed by Júlia Garraio (CES).

Bio note 

Natalia Andújar | holds a degree in General Linguistics from the University of Barcelona and teaches at the Baccalaureate level in France. She has taught Spanish at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar (Senegal) and was head of studies and lecturer on the "Expert in Islamic Culture and Religion" course at the Camilo José Cela University from 2006 to 2011.

She was director of Webislam, the first Islamic portal in Spanish from 2008 to 2010. In 2010 she was awarded the Cedar Prize for ten Influential European Muslim Women. She is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars on Islam and Muslim women.

She has contributed to numerous books: La emergencia del feminismo islámico (Barcelona: Oozebap, 2008), a selection of papers presented at the first two international congresses on Islamic feminism; Alianza de civilizaciones, alianza por la paz (Almodóvar del Río: CDPI, 2008), Desvelant secrets. Les dones de l’islam (València: Tresiquatre, 2010), El Islam y el mundo árabe: heterogeneidad y cambio (Burgos: Universidad de Burgos, 2011), Los Fundamentalismos (Madrid: Centro Evangelio y Liberación, 2012), Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (Leuven, Peeters Publishers, 2012), MuslimaTheology: The Voices of MuslimWomen Theologians (Frankfurt, Peter Lang Editions, 2013).

She has also participated as an expert in the elaboration of the Council of Europe's "Migrants and their descendants - Guide to policies for the well-being of all in pluralist societies" (2011).

She has published articles in different media (Revista Bordón de la Sociedad Española de Pedagogía, Revista del Instituto de la Juventud, etc.) and participates in television, radio and press interviews.