The semantics of tolerance and (anti-)racism: public bodies and civil society in comparative perspective
TOLERACE starts from the assumption that public policies in Europe do not adequately take into account racism, resulting in precarious anti-racist measures. The project proposes a comparative analysis that explores how the different meanings of racism/anti-racism and tolerance/intolerance have been historically embedded in wider ideas and discourses on citizenship and identity in different European contexts (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, and UK). We defend that a historically informed approach is required to question widespread views of racism as a matter of beliefs or attitudes arising from specific (extremist) ideologies and that fail to challenge discriminatory social structures. We focus on two key life spheres with a strong level of regulation concerning the processes of social integration, and where denunciations and public issues often emerge: employment and education.
Centro de Estudos Sociais Universidade de Coimbra (CES, Portugal / Coordinator)
The Danish National Centre for Social Research (SFI, Denmark)
Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (EUV, Germany)
Centro de Estudios sobre la Identidad Colectiva, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV, Spain)
Grupo para el Estudio de las Identidades Socioculturales en Andalucía, Universidad de Sevilla (US, Spain)
Centre for Ethnicity & Racial Studies, University of Leeds (CERS, United Kingdom)
Boaventura de Sousa Santos (coord)
Carla Paiva
Clemens Zobel
Francisco Freitas
Frank Peter
Gabriel Gatti
Maria Paula Meneses
Marta Araújo
Olivier Guiot
Pedro Freitas de Sá Sousa de Almeida
Salman Sayyid
Silvia Rodríguez Maeso (coord)
Tina Gundrun Jensen