Maria Paula Meneses


MARIA PAULA MENESES is a Principal researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, being part of the research line on 'Europe and the Global South: legacies and dialogues'; at CES she also integrates the working group on Epistemologies of the South. A Mozambican scholar, she did her graduate studies in Russia (MA in History from St. Petersburg University) and obtained her PhD in the USA, by Rutgers University. In 2022 she was a visiting scholar at Université de Paris 8, France. Her research focus on the political history and socio-legal complexity of southern Africa, especially in Mozambique, Angola and South Africa. At the heart of her interests are the relations between knowledge, power and societies. Paying special attention to people who experienced the violence of the colonial encounter her academics and activist activities seek ways to decolonize knowledge and contribute towards the Epistemologies of the South. At the CES Maria Paula Meneses develops several research projects and teaches in two PhD programs, namely Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenship and Human Rights in the 21st th century. Internationally she co-coordinates Karina Bidaseca, CES-CLACSO e-learning specialization course on Epistemologies of the South. Her work has been published in journals, books and reports in several countries, including Mozambique, Spain, Portugal, Senegal, USA, England, Germany, Colombia, amid others.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Meneses, Maria Paula G. (2024), "Penser la santé au-delà d'une conception abyssale des savoirs médicaux : une perspective du Mozambique", Recherches et Education: Épistémologies du Sud et Santé, 28-29

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Article in Scientific journal

Marandino, Martha; Meneses, Maria Paula (2024), "Plants and Peoples exhibit at MUHNAC: analysis of traditional and scientific medicine from the perspective of the Epistemologies of South", Journal of Science Communication, 23, 4

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Book Chapter

Meneses, Maria Paula (2024), Sul pelo Sul: saberes que desafiam as fraturas abissais do nosso mundo, in Ricardo Pagliuso Regatieri e Lucas Amaral de Oliveira (org.), Teoria social e desafios pós-coloniais. Salvador: EDUFBA, 23-50