POLICREDOS - Religions and Society


Using biblical discourses towards the construction of a culture of submission

Isabel Felix (CES)

April 29, 2019, 14h30

Room 2, CES | Alta


In the last years, the instrumentalisation of literalist-fundamentalist discourses of biblical texts in both the internal spaces of the Churches and in the public spaces of the Brazilian socio-political reality has been perceptible. In view of this reality, this research sought to analyse from a feminist hermeneutics the authority of the Bible to create a culture of submission and domination in Christianity be it in its origins or currently. The main question revolves around the rhetorical performative character of biblical texts and how this mechanism operates in discourses and pedagogical strategies in the Ministry of Praise Before the Throne (MDP) of Baptist Church of Lagoinha.

Final presentation of the postdoctoral research of Isabel Felix carried out in the context of Policredos.

Key-words: Fundamentalism; Feminist Hermeneutics; Submission

Bio note

Isabel Felix - Pedagogue. Master's and PhD degree in Religion Sciences from the Universidade Metodista de São Paulo - Brazil. Lecturer in Education at UNIESP's Pedagogy course, in the city of Caieiras in the state of São Paulo. She has a special work method with the subjects of Gender and Sexuality in Education, Education and Cultural Diversity. As a lecturer of Theology, she has worked with the subject areas of Bible Studies and other sacred texts, as well as Theology and Science. As a Visiting Lecturer at the Postgraduate Programme of the Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (May 2016), she worked with subject area Feminist Theologies: contextual and post-colonial dialogues in Theology and in the Sciences of Religion. At Educação Popular, she coordinated the project Projeto de Alfabetização de Adultos na Prefeitura de Franco da Rocha, São Paulo. Currently, Isabel is a post-doctoral researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, where she is part of the research group on Democracy, Citizenship and Law and develops a research project titled: "Sede submissos uns aos outros no temor de Cristo" - Uma análise retórico-crítica dos códigos domésticos de Colossenses e Efésios e de suas interpretações pentecostais contemporânea." Funded by CAPES, her research interests focus mainly on Methodology and Hermeneutics, Religion and Human Rights in the relation betweel Cultural Studies, Feminist Studies and an anthropological hermeneutics of sacred texts, among others.