POLICREDOS - Religions and Society

International Colloquium

Religion and Masculinity. Models, practices and transgressions

October 11 to 13, 2018

Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisbon)


Completing a course that began with the study of women's Voices and silences in religious life and then focused on the discussion of gender as a category of problematization and perspectivation of the practices of interiority, this meeting intends to equate the modalities of a possible relationship between the sexes and an affirmation of masculinity that is present in men but also in women. Models, practices and transgressions are some of the possibilities of analysis of historical reality, from the Middle Ages to our days, which enable not only a theoretical but also an experienced understanding of the reality of gender.

In the religious world, marked by the ideas of masculinity in the light of priesthood and its capacities to religious life, the masculine overcomes and marks the models of imitation of Christ and of holiness, signs of total surrender to God in a loneliness that wants to be poor and humble but demanding. It is associated with particular prerogatives and functions with regard to the exercise of authority, religious mediation, interpretation and use of the word, the practices and languages of interiority.

In this meeting, we want to reflect on the models and behaviours of all those who in pastoral work or religious life, in the liturgy, in devotions, in mission and in pedagogy and catechesis, live this brand of masculinity intended to all (men and women) as a behaviour model.

Organizing Institutions: Centre for the Study of Religious History (U. Católica Portuguesa)
Collaborating Institution: CES/POLICREDOS
Scientific Coordination: Filomena Andrade, João Inglês Fontes, Tiago Pires Marques