POLICREDOS - Religions and Society


Fatima at its centennial: plural perspectives

January 17, 2018, 10h00

Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa - CIUL


The centennial of the Fatima phenomenon, alongside the canonization of the Three Shepherds and Pope Francis’s visit, as a pilgrim (in his own words), gave rise to or re-emerged issues related to the relationship between the State and the Church, to the so-called "Religious identity" of the Portuguese, attuned to the Pope’s message and to dissent from it. The media occupied a prominent place in the coverage of events, treating them with greater or lesser depth, more or less literacy, but always as a great media event. Almost at the end of the commemoration’s temporal arc (after the also symbolic October 13), it is necessary to make a critical multidisciplinary analysis, in which diverse voices can be heard on these events.

Organisers: Observatory of Religion in the Public Space (POLICREDOS) and Centre for Research in Theology and Religion Studies (CITER)