POLICREDOS - Religions and Society


The Rise of Religious Conservatism and the Democracy we Yearn for

Isabel Felix

Ivone Gebara

November 10, 2017, 16h30

Room 1, CES | Alta


In recent years, we are witnessing the upsurge of conservative religious activism as a global phenomenon. This movement has some ties with the State, whose activism is of a conservative nature striving at the control and regulation of bodies, sexuality and family. By way of law bills and various attempts of interference through public policies, these movements have been able to influence the political agenda of human rights, freedom over the rights and duties of others and diversity. Consequently, these movements advance on issues that make up democracy. We here refer to some examples of political movements aimed at institutionalizing these type of law bills proposed in Brazil, such as “the gay cure”, the “School Without Party” and actions attacking public health issues such as the criminalization of abortion. These measures, if validated, characterize a setback in human rights, once a focus of more progressive, human and democratic approaches.

Faced with this reality, Policredos reaffirms its commitment to democracy and promotes a dialogue on the consequences of religious conservatisms in social, political, economic and cultural relations. The intention is also to analyse the place and role of resistance activisms. This dialogue activity will be held with Brazilian feminist theologians Ivone Gebara, Isabel Félix and another guest to be confirmed. Tiago Pires Marques and Teresa Toldy will present and moderate.


16h30 | Welcome and introduction
17h00 - 18h30 | Skype interventions by Ivone Gebara and guest speaker
18h30 - 19h30 | Q&A


Bio Notes

Ivone Gebara is a Brazilian theologian and one of the main references of feminist liberation theology
Isabel Félix is a theologian and researcher and is currently conducting a post-doctoral internship at CES