POLICREDOS - Religions and Society


«Identity must be defended»: religion e neonationalisms   

António Araújo

José Neves

May 23, 2017, 18h00

Auditorium 3, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon)

Bio notes

António Araújo - was born in Lisbon, in 1966.  A jurist and a historian, he has authored serveral books and articles on Constittional Law, Political Science and Contemporary History. Recently he published the book Da Direita à Esquerda - Cultura e sociedade em Portugal, dos anos 80 à actualidade.

José Neves is professor at the department of History of FCSH-UNL and researcher at  IHC-UNL. He is the author of "Comunismo e nacionalismo em Portugal - Política, Cultura e História no Século XX". Coordinated, among other works, "Como se faz um povo - Ensaios em História Contemporânea de Portugal" and "Quem faz a História. Ensaios sobre Portugal Contemporâneo", and is editor of  the journal "Práticas da História - a Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past".