POLICREDOS - Religions and Society


Religion and… Solidarity in a time of crisis 

Manuel Carvalho da Silva

Pedro Hespanha

December 2, 2013, 18h00

Room 1, CES-Coimbra


This seminar is the first of a series in which POLICREDOS invites fellow research colleagues from other fields to explore possible synergies and associations between their research interests and religion.

In this session, with interventions from Pedro Hespanha (CES) and Manuel Carvalho da Silva (CES), the existing links (or non-existing) between religion and solidarity in times of crisis will be discussed.  


Pedro Hespanha - Sociologist. Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and founding member of the CES. Coordinator of the Masters Programme “Local Policies and Decentralisation”. Has researched and published  in the field of rural studies, social policies, sociology of medicine, poverty and social exclusion. Coordinates the Study Group on Solidarity Economy (ECOSOL/CES)

Manuel Carvalho da Silva - holds a Doctoral Degrees in Sociology at ISCTE, with a thesis intituled  "Centralidade do Trabalho e Acção Colectiva. Sindicalismo em Tempo de Globalização". Secretary-General of  CGTP-IN between  1999 and  2012.

Note: Activity within the  Observatory for The Politics of Cultural and Religious Diversity in Southern Europe (POLICREDOS)