POLICREDOS - Religions and Society


Chico Mendes as xapuriense councilor (1977-1982) - 25 years after the death of Chico Mendes

Matthias Grenzer (PUC)

October 2, 2013, 15h00

Sala 1, CES-Coimbra


The analysis of 183 Proceedings of Ordinary, Extraordinary and Festive Sessions, of the  Xapurí Fifth Legislative Assembly in Acre, 1977-1982 (six years in which Francisco Alves Mendes Filho was this small city councilman), allow to trace the beginnings of his political actions, that motivated Chico Mendes to defend the rural worker and the environment. Prof. Matthias Grenzer (Pontifical University of São Paulo) will present a communication intituled Chico Mendes as xapuriense councilor (1977-1982) through which he will resume this route - 25 years after Chico Mendes was murdered.



Matthias Grenzer holds a doctorate in theology from Philosophisch-theologische Hochschule Sankt-Georgen (Frankfurt) and a Masters in History, a field in which he presented a dissertation thesis about Chico Mendes as xapuriense councilor (1977-1982). Born in Hildersheim, Germany, has lived and worked  in Brazil for twenty years. Is  coordinator of Postgraduate Studies in Theology at PUC and Coordinator of Theological credits throughout this University.

Note: Within the  Democracy Citizenship and Law Research Group (DECIDe) and the Observatory for The Politics of Cultural and Religious Diversity in Southern Europe  (POLICREDOS)