ITM - Inter-Thematic group on Migrations

Seminar | (De)Othering

«O Rio de Janeiro continua lindo e opressor» - in memoriam Matheusa Passareli 

Gabe Passareli (Artista)

June 6, 2019, 15h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


From the Reading of the zine “O RIO DE JANEIRO CONTINUA LINDO E OPRESSOR” (“Rio de Janeiro is still beautiful and oppressive”), by the artist Matheusa Passareli, a Visual Arts student of the State University of do Rio de Janeiro murdered in April 2018 in Rio de Janeiro at the age of 21 years old, the speaker will open a dialogue on grief and the brutal violences imposed on non-normative bodies. How should one go about his/her/their life in contexts that use death as a power dispositif? The speaker will resort to listening as a care resource and a way to embrace different forms of life.

Bio note

Gabe Passareli, 24 years old, black non-binary person, was born in Rio Bonito, in the of Rio de Janeiro. BsC in Occupational Therapy by the Medicine School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. In their BsC dissertation they defended a monography entitled “Bixa Preta no Baixo CAPS: Cartografias do cuidado e da formação de uma terapeuta ocupacional” (Bixa Preta in the lower Psychosocial Support Centre/CAPS: Care and training cartographies of an occupational therapist”). Together with their sister Matheusa Passareli, they idealized the device ESTRANHA [STRANGE, in English], a construction-artistic and cultural intervention in the urban environment. Taking stock from their work experience in a Psychosocial Support Centre, they started researching informal spaces of care and social interaction as ethical, political and aesthetic devices. They participated in residences such as ANTI, produced by ANARCAFILMES in the independent art space SARACVRA in the port region of Rio de Janeiro, which resulted in the film “O que fazer quando uma corpa vira cinzas” (“What to do when a body turns into ashes”), thus deepening their performance and audiovisual creation work. They also participated in a 72h residence after the occupation-immersion 030 in a Carnaval workshop in Santo Cristo, Rio de Janeiro, working with body workshops and building the performance film “Ilhas Desconhecidas” (“Unknown islands”, in English).

Activity within the research project (De)Othering in colaboration with Laura Burroco, from the Programa de Pós-graduação em Artes Visuais da Escola de Belas Artes da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, the ITM (grupo Inter-temático sobre Migraçoes) do CES, Escola de Ecologias Feministas de Saberes (CES) and the research project CILIA-LGBTQI+ | Comparing Intersectional Life Course Inequalities amongst LGBTQI+ Citizens in Four European Countries