CC.EDU - Working Group on Citizen Science and Education


Crossed Knowledges: knowing, remembering, imagining and learning in the city  

October 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023

Coimbra (Several places)


This activity is structured around a major objective: to present the city as a space for interdisciplinary learnings, and to this end resorting to the promotion of a dialogue between the knowledges of the science produced at the University of Coimbra, and specifically in the scientific areas of the Social Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Natural Sciences, and the knowledges of the experience of the population that lives and/or works in the city.

The proposal intends to create a wide space for reflection, bringing to debate topics such as the impact of urban biodiversity on the health and well-being of human populations and the mitigation of climate change effects, the history of the University and the city since the Middle Ages, collaborative practices in science, the establishment and importance of biological collections or the contributions of art and creative processes in the construction of knowledge and critical reflection on science and society, recognizing the importance of the effective involvement of citizens with these themes. The main goal is that this debate can be used as useful and relevant knowledge to be explored in educational contexts.

An activity organized in different events is proposed, all leading to the collaborative construction of a digital repository of stories and images of the University of Coimbra and the city of Coimbra, in a first stage, and of other urban spaces, in a later stage. This repository is a citizen science project, inviting the population to share their knowledge and perceptions about the city and its spaces, or to imagine its future.
The proposed events are two accredited Short-Term Training Sessions, addressed to kindergarten teachers and primary and secondary school teachers of all groups, two guided tours addressed to kindergarten teachers and primary and secondary school teachers of all groups and to families with children and young people attending pre-school or primary and secondary school, an exhibition and a collaborative digital repository.


Activity supported by the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research of the University of Coimbra (IIIUC), through the programme “Promoção da Cultura Científica 2022”.