Feminist Talk with Bruna Jaquetto and Julia Thomaz

January 25, 2024, 17h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

The Gender Workshop organises monthly Feminist Talks with guests who work for women and gender equality in the various fields of activity. The guests of this session will be Bruna Jaquetto and Julia Thomaz. Highlighted is Bruna Jaquetto's work in the field of law, justice and prison policies concerning women.

Bio Notes

Bruna Cristina Jaquetto Pereira | Post-doctoral student on the Marie Sklodowska Curie programme (UNA4CAREER) at the Complutense University of Madrid, and member of the Gender and Politics Group (GEYPO) at the same institution. Researcher of the postdoctoral program UNA4CAREER at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). She holds a degree in International Relations from UNESP and a master's degree in Sociology from the University of Brasília. Fulbright Scholarship (University of California, Berkeley, 2017-2018). PhD in Sociology from the University of Brasília (2019). Her core line of research is related to the intersectionality of gender and race/ethnicity. She is part of the research group Gender and Politics (GEYPO/UCM). She is part of the UNISAFE project on gender-based violence in universities and research centres in Europe. Under the supervision of María Bustelo, she is responsible for the IntersectGE project, which adopts an intersectional perspective to investigate sexual harassment against immigrant women and women from racial and ethnic minorities in universities and research centres in Spain. She is the author of the books Tramas e dramas de gênero e de cor: a violência doméstica contra mulheres negras (Brado negro, 2016) and Dengos e zangas das mulheres-moringa: vivências afetivo-sexuais de mulheres negras (Latin America Research Commons, 2020). Her most recent articles have been published in Gender & Development ("Nenhum passo atrás" [Not a step back]: Brazilian Black women's resistance in the era of Bolsonaro's far-right government, con Macarena Aguilar) and Civitas - Revista de Ciências Sociais ("Sobre usos e possibilidades da interseccionalidade"). At the Universidade de Brasília, she founded and coordinated the Grupo de Estudos Mulheres Negras - UnB, and worked as a lecturer in the departments of Sociology and International Relations.

Julia Ribeiro S C Thomaz is a contract doctoral candidate in French Literature at the Centre des Sciences des Littératures de Langue Française of the Université Paris Nanterre and in History at the Centre de Recherches Historiques of the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. Her current work focuses on poetry as a social category and cultural practice during the First World War, and her main line of enquiry lies at the intersection of history, anthropology, literature and digital humanities. Her main areas of interest are poetic reactions to situations of armed violence and literary practices as models of/models for the experience of war. She holds a Master's degree in History and Civilisations from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (2016) and a Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo (2012). She was an exchange student at the Department of War Studies at King's College London, in 2011, and a student at the Culture and Anthropology summer school at the London School of Economics (2010). Her doctoral research has received funding from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research ('contrat doctoral', from 2017 to 2021), the Prix d'Études des Mondes Contemporains de La Contemporaine (2020) and the Gerda Henkel scholarship from the Historial de la Grande Guerre (2021). She is an associate researcher of the Poésie Grande Guerre project ( Julia Ribeiro Thomaz is the co-founder of the network of young researchers Une Plus Grande Guerre/A Greater War. She sits on the funding committee of the International Society for First World War Studies and is the communications and digital media officer for the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France. In addition to articles in journals such as Matérieaux pour l'histoire de notre temps, French Studies Bulletin and Journal of War and Culture Studies, Julia also publishes a blog for doctoral students, where she shares elements of professional development and project management.