
Gender poetics in social intersectionality

Dodi Leal (Doutoranda Uni. São Paulo/ Curinga de Teatro do Oprimido)

December 12, 2017, 17h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


Art Workshop particularly relevant to a wide audience in the areas of Feminist/Gender and Arts Studies, which seeks to problematize and stress gender poetics with other social markers of inequality. The proposal is structured in issues of social experiences that translate experiences of oppression and resistance. The intention is to provide a reflection on the effects of privileges in society from the exercise of scenic language.

-  To resignify the contents of pedagogical practices of theatre into gender poetics
-  To reflect and elaborate processes of transgenderacies and cisgenderacies through role-playing
-  To design scenic structures of social processes of gender and markers of inequality
-  To give theoretical support and struggle for recognition on the non-hegemonic knowledges of transgenderation.

Target audience: performing artists, educators, psychologists and people from other social professions such as law, journalism, among others.

Free workshop, but with compulsory registration [HERE] up to the available seats


Bio note

Dodia Leal - PhD candidate at the Psychology Institute of the University of São Paulo/Teatro do Oprimido Curinga [see full CV HERE

Organisers: Doctoral Programme in Feminist Studies (FLUC/CES), in collaboration with the Doctoral Programme in Artistic Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the UC