Academic and professional activities
2024-3-20 to 2024-6-14 - Professor visitante pela Universidade Federal da Bahia e Docente na disciplina de 'Organização dos Sistemas de Saúde' e 'Avaliação em Saúde' no Programa de Doutoramento em Saúde Coletiva.
2024-03-20 to 2024-06-07 - Professor visitante pela Universidade Federal da Bahia e Docente na disciplina de Organização dos Sistemas e Serviços de Saúde e Avaliação em Saúde, no Doutorado em Saúde Coletiva.
2009-06-15 - Investigador sénior no Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES)
2007 to 2009 - Docente convidado
2007 to 2009 - Lecturer in 'Evaluation of quality of healthcare' and 'Citizen's participation in the health system'. University of Bologna and CESTAS
2007 to 2009 - Lecturer of 'Evaluation of Social Project'. University of Bologna and CESTAS
2004 to 2006 - Researcher coordinator: "Citizenship participation in the Brasilian health system. The experiênce of Municipality Health Councils of Ceará State. Financed by FUNDAP - Fundação Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.
2004 to 2005 - Ministry of Health of Brasil and Panamerican Health Organization (PAHO). Consultant. Coordination of National Evaluation Programme on Health Management Committees ("Commissões Intergestores Bipartite") of Brazil. Financed by Panamerican Health Organization.
2002 to 2009 - Lecturer in 'Citizen's participation in the evaluation of health services' Master in E-Health and Quality Evaluation. University of Bologna.
2002 to 2003 - Visiting Professor. Lecturer of: 'Compared Health Care System'. University of Bologna.
2002 to 2002 - Vice-Coordinador of the Master in Health Management
2001 to 2006 - Visiting Professor. State University of Ceará, Brazil. Master in Public Health. Lecturer in 'Research methods for the health sector'; 'Evaluation of the health services', 'Comparative Analysis of health systems'.
1996 to 2002 - School of Public Health of Ceará. Fortaleza, Brazil. a) Director of the Diploma Course for "Health Local System Managers"; b) Lecturer in Health Policy, Health Service Evaluation, Health Service Research; c) Vice-co-coordinator of the Master from January 2001 to Dezember 2002.
1995-11 to 1996-03 - Consultant of UNICEF - Assisting te Federal Ministry of Health in Bosnia and Herzegovina to design and perform the Situation Analysis of the School Health Service
1995-08 to 1995-11 - Consultant on a short time assignment. Province of Huambo, Angola. Performing the situation analysis in the Ukuma and Tchindjendje municipalities and identification of the rehabilitation programme in the health and education sectors.
1995-03-01 to 1995-04-30 - Co-ordinating Emergency health programme. Tirana, Albania. European Community Humanitarian Organization and CRIC (Italian NGO).
1994-08-01 to 1994-10-31 - Researcher of the International Course for Health Manager. Warnes, Bolivia. Istituto Superiore di Sanità and COOPI (Italian NGO), Planning and implementing of a research project aimed at identifying the environmental hazards affecting the health of the population of Warnes Province, and suitable actions to reduce or control these hazards.
1993-09 to 1995-07 - Nursing School of Rovigo (Italy). Lecturer of Sociology and Sociology of the health
1992-06-01 to 1992-07-31 - Consultant for the feasibility study of the project "Ecoscambio", Brasil. Legambiente (Italian environmental organization) and COCIS (Italian Co-ordination of NGO). The project was aimed at promoting and managing environmental and preventive health activities at community level. The study was carried out in three different ecologically critical areas: in Rondonia (with rubber workers' communities), in Bahia (with squatter communities), and in the Piauì State (with peasants' communities).
1991-09-30 to 1991-11-30 - Consultant for the identification of a rural programme in Dajabon, Dominican Republic. Terra Nuova (Italian NGO) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy.
1988-03 to 1990-08 - Volunteer Sociologist in a training programme. Santiago Province, Dominican Republic. Terra Nuova and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy Duties included: a) assessment of training needs for community educators in the rural and urban areas; b) assessment of continuing education needs for leaders and managers of cooperatives; c) planning and implementation of training courses for managers of co-operatives.
Other Activities
2024-09-01 to 2024-09-30 - Membro Comissão de Avaliação do Prêmio Universidade Federal da Bahia de teses e dissertações (programas de Pós-graduação Acadêmicos). Ano 2023